Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic Skills for the Study of English Literature and Community Engagement ENGL10058 Module
Aesthetic Possibilities ENGL39029 Module
Aesthetic Possibilities ENGLM3037 Module
African American Literature ENGL20111 Module
American Avant Garde ENGL20114 Module
American Literature ENGL30024 Module
American Literature: 1945 to Present ENGL29007 Module
American Masculinities ENGLM0047 Module
American Masculinities ENGL30048 Module
American Nature Writing ENGL30130 Module
American Revolutions ENGL30108 Module
Animal Planet: Humans and other animals in modernity ENGLM0056 Module
Approaches to Poetry ENGL10026 Module
Approaches to Poetry ENGL20099 Module
Approaches to Poetry ENGL10018 Module
Approaches to Poetry ENGL10039 Module
Approaches to Shakespeare ENGL10029 Module
Approaches to Shakespeare ENGL10019 Module
Approaches to Shakespeare ENGL10027 Module
Arthurian Literature ENGL20060 Module
Arthurian Literature ENGL29021 Module
Author in Focus ENGL10102 Module
Beats & Crazies ENGL20034 Module
Between Men and Women: Gender in Literature. ENGL21008 Module
Black British Literature ENGL20041 Module
Border-Worlds ENGL20135 Module
British and Irish Poetry 1900-present ENGL30109 Module
Caribbean Literature ENGLM0084 Module
Caribbean Literature ENGL30148 Module
Celebrity Culture: Icons, Industry and Aesthetics ENGL30110 Module
Charles Dickens ENGL39020 Module
Charles Dickens ENGLM3019 Module
Chaucer and Chaucerians ENGL20061 Module
Codex to Kindle: Literature and the Material Text ENGLM0049 Module
Codex to Kindle: Literature and the Material Text ENGL30039 Module
Communities, Education and Ways of Knowing ENGL20118 Module
Community Engagement: Theory into Practice ENGL10059 Module
Concise Crimes: The Short Story in Detective Fiction ENGL20112 Module
Contemporary Literature ENGLM0038 Module
Contemporary Literature and Science ENGL30049 Module
Contemporary Literature and Science ENGLM0048 Module
Contemporary Literature, Social Change and Movements ENGL30138 Module
Contemporary Multi-Ethnic Writing of America ENGL20110 Module
Contemporary Multi-Ethnic Writing of America ENGL20019 Module
Contemporary Writing ENGL10016 Module
Contemporary Writing and the Environment ENGL30076 Module
Courtly Desire from Troubadours to Elizabethans ENGL30120 Module
Creative Non Fiction ENGL30127 Module
Creative Writing ENGL20040 Module
Creative Writing Dissertation ENGL30126 Module
Creative Writing, Prose Fiction: Representing the World ENGL20113 Module
Creative Writing: Poetry ENGL20051 Module
Critical Issues ENGL20209 Module
Critical Issues ENGL20100 Module
Critical Issues ENGL10017 Module
Critical Issues in Contemporary Literature ENGLM0071 Module
Critical Issues in Contemporary Publishing ENGLM0076 Module
Critical Practice ENGL20062 Module
Critical Practice ENGL10041 Module
Dangerous Books ENGL20023 Module
Darkest London ENGL29026 Module
Death and Dying in Late Medieval Literature ENGL20126 Module
Decolonising Literature and Literary Studies ENGL30111 Module
Dissertation ENGLM0006 Module
Dissertation ENGL39010 Module
Dissertation ENGL30112 Module
Dissertation ENGL30207 Module
Dissertation (English) ENGL39024 Module
Dissertation for English/Classical Studies ENGL39021 Module
Early English Love Poetry ENGL21009 Module
Early Modern Drama ENGL10048 Module
Edmund Spenser - The Faerie Queene (1590 & 1596) ENGL29005 Module
Eighteenth-Century Women's Writing ENGL20031 Module
Elegy ENGL29010 Module
Elegy and Visual Culture ENGL20107 Module
ENGL20139: Early Modern Women Writers ENGL20139 Module
English Supervised Individual Study 1 ENGLM0032 Module
English Supervised Individual Study 2 ENGLM0033 Module
Exploration for Creative Dissertations ENGLM0072 Module
Forging the Canon ENGL30077 Module
Forging the Canon ENGLM0054 Module
Freud and Shakespeare ENGL30028 Module
From Romantic to Victorian Literature ENGLM0036 Module
Gender, Desire and the Renaissance Stage ENGL20206 Module
Half-day Conference ENGLM3017 Module
Hamlet: Text and Interpretation ENGLM3012 Module
Hero or traitor? Outlaws in Literature ENGL30069 Module
Hero or traitor? Outlaws in Literature ENGLM0052 Module
Illness Narratives ENGLM0059 Module
Illness Narratives ENGL30089 Module
Imagining Americans ENGL30121 Module
Intertextual Shakespeare ENGLM3013 Module
Introduction to Critical Theory and Thought ENGL10054 Module
Introduction to Literary Research ENGLM3029 Module
Introduction to Literature and Community Engagement 1 ENGL10051 Module
Introduction to Literature and Community Engagement 1 ENGL10103 Module
Introduction to Literature and Community Engagement 2 ENGL10107 Module
Introduction to Literature and Community Engagement 2 ENGL10049 Module
Introduction to Old English ENGL10020 Module
James Joyce ENGL30045 Module
James Joyce ENGLM0050 Module
Kings, Queens, and Sycophants ENGL30131 Module
Kings, Queens, and Sycophants: Writing Renaissance Monarchs ENGL30057 Module
Kings, Queens, and Sycophants: Writing Renaissance Monarchs ENGLM0044 Module
Landscape, Poetry, and Aesthetics ENGL20053 Module
Literature 1 (1200-1500) ENGL20200 Module
Literature 1 (1200-1500) for Joint Honours ENGL20202 Module
Literature 1150-1550 ENGL10042 Module
Literature 1550-1740 ENGL10043 Module
Literature 1740-1900 ENGL20063 Module
Literature 1900-present ENGL20064 Module
Literature 1940-1970: Writing After War, After Modernism ENGLM0035 Module
Literature 2 (1500-1700) ENGL20201 Module
Literature 2 (1500-1700) for Joint Honours ENGL20203 Module
Literature 3 (1700-1830) ENGL30100 Module
Literature 3 - 1700 to 1830 ENGL39004 Module
Literature 3: 1700 to 1830 ENGL39022 Module
Literature 4 (1830-1945) ENGL30101 Module
Literature 4 - 1830 to 1945. ENGL39005 Module
Literature 4: 1830 to 1945 ENGL39023 Module
Literature and Community Engagement in Practice 1 ENGL20106 Module
Literature and Community Engagement in Practice 1 ENGL21010 Module
Literature and Community Engagement in Practice 2 ENGL21014 Module
Literature and Community Engagement in Practice 2 ENGL20105 Module
Literature and Medicine ENGLM3022 Module
Literature and Medicine ENGL39011 Module
Literature and Revolution ENGLM0058 Module
Literature and Revolution ENGL30093 Module
Literature and Science: Newton to Darwin ENGL20054 Module
Literature and the Environment: Diverse Perspectives ENGLM0066 Module
Literature and the Politics of Gender ENGL20120 Module
Literature and the Sea: The Seafarer to The Shipping News ENGL20020 Module
Literature and Trauma: 1900 to the present ENGL20129 Module
Literature in its Time 1: Chaucer to Early Modern ENGL20104 Module
Literature in its Time 1: Shakespeare and the Traditions of the English Stage ENGL21007 Module
Literature in its Time 2: From Milton to Johnson ENGL21011 Module
Literature in its Time 3: Romantic and Victorian Poetry ENGL30027 Module
Literature in its Time 4: Nineteenth-Century Prose ENGL30202 Module
Literature in its Time 5: Twentieth Century Poetry and Prose ENGL30026 Module
Literature's Children ENGLM0064 Module
Literature's Children ENGL39015 Module
Literatures of Decolonisation ENGL30147 Module
Literatures of Enslavement ENGL30133 Module
Literatures of Slavery ENGL30113 Module
MACW Workshop 1 ENGLM0070 Module
MACW Workshop 2 ENGLM0073 Module
Metaphysical Poetry - Love, Death and God in the 17th Century ENGL20052 Module
Modernism and the Body ENGL30034 Module
Modernism and the Body ENGLM0042 Module
Modernism and the Movies ENGL30128 Module
Modernism, Experimentation and Form ENGLM0039 Module
New England's Dreaming: American Literature from Emerson to James ENGL29025 Module
Novel Territories: Eighteenth-century Prose Fiction ENGL30115 Module
Old English Language and Literature ENGL20065 Module
Paradise Lost: Inception and Reception ENGL29032 Module
Period Unit 1 - 1150-1550 ENGL20117 Module
Period unit 2 (1550-1740) ENGL20119 Module
Period Unit 3: 1740-1900 ENGL30135 Module
Period Unit: 1900 – Present ENGL30136 Module
Planning a Creative Dissertation ENGLM0074 Module
Poetry ENGL10101 Module
Poetry of the 1960s ENGL20032 Module
Postcolonial Environments ENGL30122 Module
Postcolonial Imaginings ENGLM3024 Module
Postcolonial Imaginings ENGL39025 Module
Postcolonial Literature ENGL21012 Module
Presenting the Future ENGL20044 Module
Prison Writing ENGL30116 Module
Prize Culture and Prestige in Contemporary Fiction ENGL30046 Module
Prize Culture and Prestige in Contemporary Fiction ENGLM0065 Module
Publishing the Grail ENGL30118 Module
Publishing the Grail ENGLM0062 Module
Queer Writing ENGL20049 Module
Reading English Literature ENGL10036 Module
Reading Identities ENGL10062 Module
Reading Shakespeare ENGL10105 Module
Readings in Gender and Sexuality ENGL10053 Module
Renaissance Literature: Texts and Contexts ENGLM0037 Module
Representing HIV/AIDS ENGL30141 Module
Research Project on Literature and Community Engagement. ENGL30208 Module
Research Seminar ENGLM3004 Module
Research Skills for Medievalists AFACM1001 Module
Researching Literature and Community Engagement ENGL30119 Module
Revenge Tragedy ENGL29008 Module
Rewriting the Bible ENGL30129 Module
Rewriting the Bible ENGLM0069 Module
Romantic Poetry and Poetics ENGLM3009 Module
Rudyard Kipling ENGL29004 Module
Samuel Beckett ENGL30029 Module
Samuel Beckett ENGLM0041 Module
Satire ENGL20022 Module
Scottish Literature ENGL20115 Module
Scottish Literature ENGL20039 Module
Sex and Gender at the Fin de Siecle ENGL20055 Module
Shakespeare ENGL20068 Module
Shakespeare's Sonnets ENGL39030 Module
Shakespearean Tragedy: Textual and Literary Criticism ENGLM3025 Module
Shakespearean Tragedy: Textual and Literary Criticism ENGL39027 Module
Special Author Study ENGL30023 Module
Study Abroad/Erasmus 1 ENGL29000 Module
Study Abroad/Erasmus 2 ENGL29001 Module
Text in Focus ENGL10106 Module
Texts in a Global Context ENGL10044 Module
Texts in a Global Context ENGL10052 Module
The Art of Grief ENGL20116 Module
The Author as Character ENGL20048 Module
The Classical Now ENGLM0068 Module
The Fairy Tale in English ENGL20028 Module
The Gothic ENGLM0040 Module
The History of the Language of English Literature ENGL30123 Module
The Origins of the Old Regime, 1550-1750 ENGLM0043 Module
The Poet as Witness ENGL29006 Module
The Politics of Form in 20th and 21st-century Women's Writing ENGL30059 Module
The Politics of Form in 20th and 21st-century Women�s Writing ENGLM0046 Module
The Romantics: Poetry, Politics and Place ENGL30125 Module
The Short Story ENGL21013 Module
The Short Story ENGL10061 Module
The Spanish Civil War in British and American Writing ENGL30058 Module
The Spanish Civil War in British and American Writing ENGLM0045 Module
The Uncanny ENGL29027 Module
Transatlantic Women Modernists ENGL20042 Module
Transformations ENGL10046 Module
Travellers' Tales ENGL20024 Module
Twentieth-Century Women Writers ENGL30105 Module
U.S. Postmodernist Fiction ENGL20033 Module
U.S. Postmodernist Fiction ENGL30078 Module
U.S.Postmodernist Fiction ENGLM0057 Module
Understanding Critical Theory and Thought ENGL10056 Module
Utopian Literature ENGL20058 Module
Victorian Afterlives ENGL39014 Module
Victorian Afterlives ENGLM3035 Module
Victorian Fiction: Art and Ideas in the Marketplace ENGL30117 Module
Victorian Literature and Place ENGLM0034 Module
Victorian Materialities ENGL30079 Module
Victorian Materialities ENGLM0063 Module
Victorian Poetry:Belief, Doubt & Dissent ENGL39018 Module
War Stories: Women Writers and Conflict from WWI to 9/11 ENGL20043 Module
Ways of Reading 1: Forms and Approaches ENGL10100 Module
Ways of Reading 2: Critical Thought and Theory ENGL10104 Module
Welsh Literary Landscapes ENGL20050 Module
Women in Medieval Romance ENGLM0051 Module
Women in Medieval Romance ENGL30047 Module
Women Writers ENGL10047 Module
Write Now ENGLM1234 Module
Writing for Art ENGL39019 Module
Writing for Art ENGLM3018 Module
Writing in the Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Uranium ENGLM0067 Module
Writing the Anthropocene 1945-Present ENGL30124 Module
Writing the Atlantic World ENGL20059 Module
Writing the City: London 1550-1740 ENGL20069 Module
Writing the Margins ENGL20109 Module
Writing the Self: Literature and Autobiography ENGL29003 Module
Writing the Self: Literature and Autobiography ENGLM0061 Module
Writing the Self: Literature and Autobiography ENGL30107 Module
Writing the Working Classes ENGL20030 Module
Writing Your World: Literature, Creative Writing and Community ENGL20121 Module

Lists linked to English

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Preparing for your English degree course 20/08/2018 13:31:37