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American Art: Art and Identity (Lecture Response Unit) HART30026 Module
American Art: Art and Identity (Level M Lecture Response Unit) HARTM0037 Module
Approaches to the Artist (Reflective Art History Unit) HART30007 Module
Approaching the Object HART10007 Module
Architecture and Urbanism HART20019 Module
Art and Empire HART20038 Module
Art and Environmental Awareness from the Eighteenth Century to Now HART30050 Module
Art and Environmental Awareness from the Eighteenth Century to Now HARTM0041 Module
Art and Fashion HART30051 Module
Art and Internationalism (Level H Special Subject) HART30042 Module
Art and Memory (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HART30041 Module
Art and Memory (Level M Lecture Response Unit) HARTM0030 Module
Art and Music HART20008 Module
Art and the Natural World HART30054 Module
Art and Theatre HART30047 Module
Art and War (Level I Special Field) HART20027 Module
Art and War, ca. 1899 to the present (Level I Special Field) HART26000 Module
Art in Britain (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HART20024 Module
Art in Russia and the Soviet Union (Lecture Response Unit) HART30025 Module
Art in Russia and the Soviet Union (Level M Lecture Response Unit) HARTM0031 Module
Art of the Northern Renaissance (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HART30043 Module
Art of the Northern Renaissance (Level M Lecture Response Unit) HARTM0032 Module
Art, Reform and the Sacred Image (Level I Special Field) HART20025 Module
Artistic Exchange in the Mediterranean HART30029 Module
Audio-Visual Culture HART30053 Module
Baroque Art HART20032 Module
Caravaggio HART30033 Module
Cold War Culture: Art and Politics since 1945 (Level I Special Field) HART26001 Module
Collaborative Curatorial Unit - A HARTM0021 Module
Collaborative Curatorial Unit - B HARTM0022 Module
Copies and Originals HART30034 Module
Curating the Object HART20029 Module
Dissertation HART31048 Module
Dissertation HARTM0014 Module
Dissertation HART31047 Module
Drawing in Renaissance Italy HART22218 Module
Early Italian Art HART20009 Module
Episodes in Global Visual Culture 1 HART10019 Module
German Expressionism HART30035 Module
Global Modernism HART20040 Module
Group Project HART22224 Module
Histories and Theories of Art HART22223 Module
Histories, Theories and Critical Interpretations of Art: 1 HARTM0025 Module
Histories, Theories and Critical Interpretations of Art: 2 HARTM0026 Module
How to Live Well: The Art of the Netherlands 1500-1700 HART20030 Module
Independent Study Unit: Curating a Collection HARTM0039 Module
Independent Study Unit: Curating the Prints Collection HARTM0314 Module
Independent Study Unit: Curating the Theatre Collection HARTM0320 Module
Intertextual Places: Landscape Art in Britain and America, 1950s – Present HART20033 Module
Introduction to Early-Modern Art HART10216 Module
Introduction to Medieval Art HART10215 Module
Introduction to Modern Art HART10217 Module
Landscape (Level C Special Topic) HART10208 Module
Making and Materiality: Painting HART10009 Module
Making and Materiality: Photography HART10018 Module
Making and Materials: Textiles and Fibre Art HART10008 Module
Medieval Art HART30027 Module
Modern Art in Britain 1910-1960 (Level I Special Field) HART26003 Module
Modern Art in the USA 1900-1939 (Lecture Response Unit) HART20005 Module
Modern European Art HART20036 Module
Modern Women Artists HART20018 Module
Modernism and the 'Black Atlantic' HART30048 Module
Modernism and the 'Black Atlantic' HARTM0040 Module
Paris HART20028 Module
Paris 1925-1970 HART20034 Module
Physical Culture - Visual Culture HART30036 Module
Prints HART30046 Module
Race and Place HART20031 Module
Realism (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HART30044 Module
Realism (Level M Lecture Response Unit) HARTM0033 Module
Religious Art (Reflective Art History Unit) HART30008 Module
Research Issues in Art History HART31049 Module
Sculpture Ancient and Modern HART30005 Module
Sculpture and the Body (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HART20026 Module
Self Portraiture HART30037 Module
Self Portraiture in the Early Modern Period, 1450-1700 (Level M Lecture Response Unit) HARTM0034 Module
Special Field Project HART22225 Module
Special Topic Project HART10207 Module
Spectacle and Ceremony HARTM0316 Module
Supervised Independent Study 3 HARTM0038 Module
Supervised Individual Study 1 HARTM0028 Module
Supervised Individual Study 2 HARTM0029 Module
Text and Image (Level M Lecture Response Unit) HARTM0035 Module
The Art of the Altar (Level M Lecture Response Unit) HARTM0036 Module
The Artist (Level C Special Topic) HART10209 Module
The Camera Eye: Inter-war Photographic Culture (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HART25000 Module
The City (Level C Special Topic) HART10210 Module
Theorising the Object HART20035 Module
Time and the Image HART10022 Module
Understanding Cubism HART30052 Module
Urban Art (Level I Special Field) HART26004 Module
Vision HART30040 Module
Weimar Women: Representing Modernity HARTM0321 Module
Worldly Objects: Art, Environment and Materiality HART30049 Module

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