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"The Rise of Political Lying"?: Rhetoric from Churchill to Blair (Level H Special Subject) HIST30048 Module
'A rich store of stupid decisions'?: British Economic Policy in the twentieth century (Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0056 Module
1968 and its afterlives (Level H Special Subject) HIST30081 Module
1984 and Beyond: The Rise and Fall of European Totalitarianism in History and Fiction (Level H Special Subject) HIST37014 Module
A Body of Evidence: Forensic Medicine in Britain (Level I Special Field) HIST20043 Module
A Consumer Revolution: The Rise of Consumer Culture in Britain (Level I Lecture Response) HIST25004 Module
A new politics? Living socialist lives in fin-de-si�cle Britain (Level C Special Topic) HIST10036 Module
Africa in Global Perspective HIST20141 Module
After Empire (Level I Special Field) HIST20081 Module
Aftermath: The Wake of War, 1945-1949 HIST30106 Module
American Dreamers: Radicalism in the United States from 1776 to the Present HIST30131 Module
American Empire HIST30043 Module
American Slavery: Black Bodies, Voices and Exploitation in the United States (Level C Special Topic) HIST10039 Module
Ancient and Modern Paganism in Britain (Level I Special Field) HIST26002 Module
Approaches to History HISTM2009 Module
Approaching the Past HIST13015 Module
Aztecs, Incas and Evangelisers HIST20036 Module
Bebop to Hip Hop: A Cultural History of Twentieth-Century Popular Music (Level I Special Field) HIST20045 Module
Behind the Wall: Living in East Germany (Level I Lecture Response) HIST25020 Module
Big City Lights: Comparative Urban History HISTM0069 Module
Big City Lights: Comparative Urban History HIST30074 Module
Black Lives Matter: The African American Freedom Struggle (1945-Present) HIST30095 Module
Borderlands: People and Places at the Periphery (Reflective History Unit) HIST30079 Module
Brief Encounters: Love, Labour, and Loneliness in Modern London HIST20099 Module
Bringing History (and Historians) Down to Earth (Level H Reflective History) HIST38018 Module
Bristol and Slavery HIST30078 Module
Britain's Cold War (Level C Special Topic) HIST14018 Module
Britain's Long Nineteenth Century, 1789-1914 HIST30120 Module
Britain's Migrant and Diasporic Communities 1851-1971 (Level I Special Field) HIST20092 Module
Building Modern Ireland, c. 1850-Present HIST20139 Module
Cacophonous City, Silent Lives: Life in Victorian London HIST30049 Module
Calamities: Natural and Unnatural Disasters in the Modern World (Level I Special Field) HIST20076 Module
Calvinism and Europe (Level H Special Subject) HIST37002 Module
Capitalism HIST30115 Module
Capitalism (Level H Reflective History) HIST30073 Module
Cataclysm and Consolidation: The Foundations of the Islamic World (c.600-1258) (Level I Special Field) HIST20093 Module
Centuries of Dishonour: American Indian History from Removal to Termination HIST20109 Module
Childhood and the Nazis (Level H Special Subject) HIST30023 Module
China and the World in the Twentieth Century (Level C Special Topic) HIST10030 Module
Christianity and Islam in Early Modern Europe (Level I Lecture Response) HIST25015 Module
Cities HIST10047 Module
Colonial Radicals HIST10037 Module
Colonial Radicals (Level C Special Topic) HIST10041 Module
Colonizing Animals HIST30042 Module
Colonizing Nature HISTM0066 Module
Colonizing Nature (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30072 Module
Communist Worlds HIST30019 Module
Communist Worlds (Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0044 Module
Community, Nation and Empire (Level H Reflective History Unit) HIST30047 Module
Comparative American Slavery HIST30092 Module
Conflict and Community HIST20118 Module
Constructing the 'Other' in Western Europe, c.1000 - 1400 (Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0045 Module
Constructing the 'Other' in Western Europe, c.1000 - 1400 (Level H Lecture Response) HIST39012 Module
Constructing the Other HIST30107 Module
Convicts and the colonies: punishment, forced labour and the British Empire (Level H Special Subject) HIST37018 Module
Crime and Punishment (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HIST20046 Module
Crusading Cultures HIST20133 Module
Crusading in the Middle Ages HIST10020 Module
Culture and Civilisation of the Renaissance (Level C Special Topic) HIST14006 Module
Dark Pasts: Modern Histories of Night in Britain and North America HIST30132 Module
Dealing with Defeat: the English and the Norman Conquest, since 1066 (Level H Reflective History) HIST30088 Module
Death and Society in the Middle Ages HIST20037 Module
Death, Doctors and Disease (Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0046 Module
Death, Doctors and Disease (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30025 Module
Decade of Discord: Britain in the 1970's (Level I Special Field) HIST26008 Module
Decolonisation HIST20116 Module
Describing Difference: Race, Culture and Ethnicity (Level H Reflective History) HIST38010 Module
Discovering America (Level H Reflective History) HIST38016 Module
Disease, Deviance and Disability in Modern Medicine HIST20134 Module
Dissertation HIST33101 Module
Dissertation HISTM1000 Module
Documentary, Society and Conflict in Twentieth Century Ireland HIST30045 Module
Drink and Disorder in Early Modern England (Level C Special Topic) HIST10017 Module
Drink: a History (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HIST20047 Module
Early America (Level C Special Topic) HIST10031 Module
Early and Modern Paganism HIST20121 Module
Early Modern Italy (Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0047 Module
Early Modern Italy (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30026 Module
Eat, Sleep, Pray, Repeat - Religious Lifestyles in the Middle Ages HIST30096 Module
Eat, Sleep, Pray, Repeat - Religious Lifestyles in the Middle Ages (Level C Special Topic) HIST10040 Module
Empire-Makers and Nation-Builders in the �Indian� Subcontinent HIST20083 Module
England's Medieval Migrants (Level H Special Subject) HIST30082 Module
English Civil Wars, 1625-1662 HISTM0088 Module
Enlightenment Europe (Level C Special Topic) HIST14005 Module
Environment and History HISTM0078 Module
Environmental Imperialism (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HIST20048 Module
Eugenics: The First Fifty Years (1883-1932) (Level H Reflective History) HIST30084 Module
Europe Since 1945: A Fractured History HISTM0080 Module
Europe Since 1945: A Fractured History HIST30105 Module
Europe's Age of Revolutions (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HIST20098 Module
Europe's Age of Revolutions (Level I Special Field) HIST26026 Module
Europe: A Fractal History 1945-1989 HIST39003 Module
Europe: A Fractal History 1945-1989 (Level M Lecture Response) HISTM0065 Module
Everyday Life in Tudor and Stuart England HIST20100 Module
Expectations of the End (Level C Special Topic) HIST14007 Module
Explorations in Early Modern History HISTM0081 Module
Explorations in Early Modern History HISTM0089 Module
Exploring the Medieval Book (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30050 Module
Fear and Loathing HIST20117 Module
Filming the Past HIST30021 Module
Food: a Global History (Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0048 Module
Food: a Global History (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30027 Module
France and the World HIST20038 Module
France at War 1940-1944: Experience and Aftermath (Level C Special Topic) HIST14000 Module
From the Birth of Islam to the Crusades (c.600-1291) HIST20101 Module
From Washington to Waco: Explorations in Twentieth-century Religion and History (Level I Special Field) HIST20087 Module
Gender and The British Empire (Level I Special Field) HIST26029 Module
Gender, Race & Colonisation in Early English America HIST30136 Module
Genocide in the Twentieth Century and Beyond (Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0049 Module
Genocide in the Twentieth Century and Beyond (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30028 Module
German Bodies: Sex and the Body in Twentieth Century Germany (Level I Special Field) HIST20090 Module
Getting Acquainted with Friendship (Level H Reflective History) HIST38002 Module
Global Cities HIST30098 Module
Global Cities HISTM0061 Module
Global Cities (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30034 Module
Global Development HIST20126 Module
Global Empires HIST20111 Module
Global Empires HIST30122 Module
Global History HIST20112 Module
Going Global: Writing Global History (Reflective History Unit) HIST30029 Module
Greed is Good: Contemporary Enterprise Culture in Britain and America HISTM0070 Module
Greed is Good: Contemporary Enterprise Culture in Britain and America (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30083 Module
Group Project HIST23021 Module
Hard Labour? The History of Work (Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0050 Module
Hard Labour? The History of Work (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30030 Module
Health and Medicine in African History: Actors, Institutions, Ideas HIST20147 Module
HISTM0102: An Unruly History of England, c. 1381-1688 HISTM0102 Module
Historians and the Boundaries of the Body HISTM0104 Module
Histories of Extreme Environments HISTM0090 Module
Histories of Extreme Environments HISTM0082 Module
Histories of the Polar Regions HIST30102 Module
History and Literature HIST20039 Module
History in Public HIST20089 Module
History in the Middle Ages HIST30101 Module
History in the Middle Ages (Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0051 Module
History in the Middle Ages (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30031 Module
History Outside The Box (Level H Reflective History) HIST30089 Module
History through Literature in Early Modern Europe HIST30022 Module
History, Law and Memory: The Holocaust on Trial (Level H Reflective History) HIST38013 Module
Holocaust Landscapes (Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0058 Module
Holocaust Landscapes (Level H Lecture Response) HIST39009 Module
Horrible Histories And All That HIST30119 Module
Human Rights in History HISTM0062 Module
Human Rights in History (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30035 Module
Humanitarianism and the British People (Level I Special Field) HIST20077 Module
Ideology, Poverty and Famines HISTM2017 Module
Information in the Age of Discovery (Level H Special Subject) HIST30036 Module
Internationalising Modern China 1850s - 1950 (Level H Special Subject) HIST37016 Module
Introduction to Early Modern History HIST13012 Module
Introduction to Medieval History HIST13011 Module
Introduction to the History of the British Empire: Rise, Fall and Legacies HIST13014 Module
Inventing the Criminal: France, 1789-1914 HIST30100 Module
Iran, 1901-51: Oil, Racial Capitalism, and Decolonisation HIST30139 Module
Islamic Cities HIST30093 Module
Jewish Experience in Modern European History (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HIST20044 Module
Keeping the Red Flag Flying? Labour Party Thought and Practice, 1945-83. (Level C Special Topic) HIST14028 Module
Kingship and Crisis during the Wars of the Roses. (Level H Special Subject) HIST37011 Module
Leisure Landscapes of Modern Britain (Level H Special Subject) HIST30077 Module
Little England: Community and Commonwealth in the Age of Revolution (Level I Special Field) HIST20094 Module
Lives and Letters (Level H Special Subject) HIST30075 Module
Living with Defeat: Occupied France 1940-1944 HISTM0041 Module
Madness: A Modern History (Level C Special Topic) HIST10029 Module
Making History Public HISTM2016 Module
Marvels and Monsters (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HIST20049 Module
Medieval English Lifestyles (Lecture Response Unit) HIST20028 Module
Medieval Mind (Level C Special Topic) HIST10038 Module
Medieval Mind (Level C Special Topic) HIST14017 Module
Memory HIST30113 Module
Memory and the Middle Ages HIST20084 Module
Modern Girls and New Women (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HIST20146 Module
Modern Latin American Revolutions HIST20042 Module
Modern Latin American Revolutions (Level H Lecture Response) HIST39011 Module
Modern Latin American Revolutions (Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0052 Module
Modern Places (Level H Reflective History) HIST38019 Module
Modern Revolutions HIST10067 Module
Modern Witchcraft HIST20102 Module
Napoleon (Level I Special Field) HIST26003 Module
News and Networks (Level C Special Topic) HIST14004 Module
Oceans & Globalisation: 1700-1945 HISTM0100 Module
Outlaws HIST20120 Module
Partition (Level H Special Subject) HIST30038 Module
Picturing the Twentieth Century HIST30114 Module
Pirates (Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0053 Module
Pirates (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30032 Module
Plague, Politics and Society: England 1348-1400 (Level C Special Topic) HIST14021 Module
Plagues, Power, and Public Health: Battling Disease in America HIST20103 Module
Political Culture and Communication in Britain, 1867-1939 HIST26015 Module
Political Culture in Stuart England (Level I Special Field) HIST20078 Module
Politics and Society in Contemporary Britain (Level I Lecture Response) HIST25007 Module
Post-Apartheid South Africa HISTM0092 Module
Post-Apartheid South Africa: Rainbow Nation and Insurgent Citizens HISTM0083 Module
Postcolonial Africa: Politics, Society and Culture (Level I Special Field) HIST26027 Module
Poverty and Famines in Historical Perspective (Level H Reflective History) HIST38006 Module
Practice Based Dissertation HIST30091 Module
Practice-Based Dissertation (History) HIST30129 Module
Progress or Peril? The History of Science, Technology and Medicine HIST20113 Module
Propaganda (Level H Reflective History) HIST38020 Module
Propaganda and Public Opinion through the Ages HISTM0067 Module
Race HIST30117 Module
Race and Criminality (Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0054 Module
Race and Criminality (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30015 Module
Race and Health in America HIST30099 Module
Race and Resistance in South Africa (Level H Special Subject) HIST37010 Module
Race in America HISTM0084 Module
Race, Migration and Diaspora in 19th and 20th Century Britain HIST20136 Module
Radicalism and Class in Britain 1760-1850 (Level H Special Subject) HIST37004 Module
Reading African History HIST20104 Module
Red Power and Beyond: American Indian activism since 1944 HIST30128 Module
Red Power and Beyond: Post-war American Indian Ideology and Protest HIST30094 Module
Remembering Transatlantic Enslavement HIST20122 Module
Repressed or Risque?: Victorian Sex and Sexuality (Level H Special Subject) HIST30024 Module
Research Methods HISTM2010 Module
Researching and Writing History HISTM0055 Module
Researching History HIST33122 Module
Rethinking History HIST23101 Module
Revels and Riots: Popular Culture in Early Modern England (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HIST20021 Module
Revolution and Theory: British Political Thought 1603-1689 (Level C Special Topic) HIST14001 Module
Rewriting Modern Britain HISTM0079 Module
Rome after Rome HIST10023 Module
Saving Strangers: NGOs and Humanitarianism Since 1945 (Level I Special Field) HIST20095 Module
Science and the Supernatural HIST30044 Module
Scramble for China, 1830-1900 (Level C Special Topic) HIST10032 Module
Seeing with the Mind’s Eye: Prophecy and Society in the Middle Ages HIST30104 Module
Sex and the Supernatural in the Middle Ages (Level C Special Topic) HIST10035 Module
Sexualities HIST38011 Module
Sexualities HIST30118 Module
Sixties America and its Aftermath (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HIST20052 Module
Slavery HIST10046 Module
Slavery and Emancipation in the Atlantic World 1450-1870 HISTM0071 Module
Slavery and Emancipation in the Atlantic World 1450-1870 (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30087 Module
Slavery and the Modern World (Level I Lecture Response) HIST25003 Module
Social Change in Modern India (Level I Lecture Response) HIST20096 Module
Soviet Experiment: Constructing Socialism 1917-1991 (Level I Lecture Response) HIST25017 Module
Speaking with Authority: Women and Power in the Middle Ages (Level I Special Field) HIST26024 Module
Special Field Project HIST23008 Module
Special Topic Project HIST13003 Module
Sporting Identities HIST20091 Module
Strangers in the Land: Making America and Becoming American (Level I Lecture Response) HIST25006 Module
Supervised Independent Study 3 HISTM0059 Module
Supervised Individual Study HISTM1019 Module
Supervised Individual Study 2 HISTM0038 Module
Technocracy HISTM0060 Module
Technocracy (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30039 Module
Teenage Kicks: Youth and Subcultures in Britain since 1918 HIST30097 Module
Thatcherism's Legacy: The Political Economy of Britain Since 1990 (Level H Special Subject) HIST37009 Module
The Age of Revolutions 1776-1848 in Global Perspective HIST20128 Module
The Age of the Human HIST30103 Module
The Age of the Human? Environments Past, Present and Future HIST20105 Module
The American Century HIST10044 Module
The American Civil War HIST20123 Module
The American Civil War (Level C Special Topic) HIST14015 Module
The American West: An Environmental History (Level I Special Field) HIST26004 Module
The Apocalypse in Culture and Society (1000-1500) HISTM0032 Module
The Birth of Modern America: The United States, 1917-29 (Level C Special Topic) HIST14030 Module
The Black Death in England HIST20125 Module
The British World (Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0057 Module
The British World (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30033 Module
The Crisis of Modernity: Progress and Degeneration in fin-de-siecle Europe (Level C Special Topic) HIST10034 Module
The Cultural History of the Book, 1300 - 1559 HIST10033 Module
The Development of the Modern Mass Media: Disciplining Democracy (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30012 Module
The Development of the Modern Mass Media: Disciplining Democracy (Level M Lecture Response unit) HISTM0063 Module
The Early Modern World HIST10043 Module
The Early Modern World: Europe and the Wider World HIST10065 Module
The Early Modern World: The British Isles HIST10063 Module
The Early Reformation (Level I Lecture Response) HIST25009 Module
The F-Word: Understanding European Fascism Then and Now HIST20137 Module
The Global Age of Revolutions HIST20124 Module
The Great Outdoors (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HIST20080 Module
The History of Photography/The Photography of History (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HIST20086 Module
The Holocaust and Historians (Level I Lecture Response) HIST25013 Module
The Intellectual Culture of the Twelfth Century (Level H Special Subject) HIST37001 Module
The Italian Renaissance HIST30110 Module
The Long Civil Rights Movement HIST20110 Module
The Making of Contemporary Britain (1918-2008) HIST20114 Module
The Medieval World HIST10042 Module
The Medieval World: Europe and the Wider World HIST10066 Module
The Medieval World: The British Isles HIST10064 Module
The Modern World HIST10048 Module
The Nature(s) of Empire: Imperialism and the environment HIST20082 Module
The Norman Conquest (Level I Special Field) HIST20085 Module
The Origins of the Old Regime, 1550-1750 (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30037 Module
The Origins of the Old Regime, 1550-1750 (Level M Lecture Response Unit) HISTM0064 Module
The Past That Does Not Pass: The Memory of WWII and the Holocaust (Level I Special Field) HIST20069 Module
The Politics of the Past HIST20144 Module
The Public Memory of Transatlantic Slavery in the Atlantic World HIST20106 Module
The Public Role of the Historian HIST20145 Module
The Russians are Coming: Cultural History of Russia & the Soviet Union in the Modern Era (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HIST20074 Module
The Smugglers' City (Level I Special Field) HIST26010 Module
The South African War (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HIST20023 Module
The Tudor World HIST20119 Module
The University in Western Europe and the USA since 1800 (Level I Special Field) HIST26028 Module
The Welfare State and Modern Britain (Level H Special Subject) HIST30040 Module
The World of Byzantium (c.500-1100) (Level H Special Subject) HIST30085 Module
Themes in the History of Colonialism HISTM0017 Module
Travel and Trade in the Global Middle Ages HIST20132 Module
Travels in Space and Time 1850-Present (Level I Special Field) HIST20097 Module
Tudor Britain (Level H Lecture Response Unit) HIST30090 Module
Tutor Britain HISTM0072 Module
Under the Covers: Sex and Modern British Print Culture HIST20138 Module
Urban Worlds: From Ancient Baghdad to Las Vegas HIST10049 Module
Useful History HIST20107 Module
Utopia (Level I Lecture Response Unit) HIST20075 Module
Violence and Slavery in the American South HIST20108 Module
Voices of the People HIST30086 Module
Voices of the People HISTM0073 Module
War and Society HIST20035 Module
War and Society HIST10045 Module
What�s the Point of University? Power, Money and the Contemporary Student Experience (Level I Special Field) HIST20088 Module
Wild Things: Humans and other animals in History HIST20115 Module
Wild Things: Humans and Other Animals in the Modern World HIST10021 Module
Witchcraft (Level H Reflective History) HIST38003 Module

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