Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Acoustics - Fundamentals and Applications MENGM0018 Module
Advanced Dynamics MENGM5011 Module
Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering MENGM0059 Module
Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering (10CP) MENGM0060 Module
Applied Solid Mechanics MENG30011 Module
Behaviour of Dynamic Systems MENG30006 Module
Biomechanics MENGM6051 Module
Computer Based Modelling 4 MENGM1411 Module
Computer-based Modelling 1 MENG11511 Module
Control and Robotics MENGM0057 Module
Data Analysis and Imaging (Bristol University) MENGM0035 Module
Design & Manufacture 1 MENG16000 Module
Design & Manufacturing Principles MENG11600 Module
Design and Manufacture 2 MENG26000 Module
Design Project 2 MENG20002 Module
Design Project 4 MENGM0010 Module
Design Project 5 MENGM0013 Module
Dynamics 1 MENG10200 Module
Dynamics and Control MENG20004 Module
Dynamics and Control 2 MENG22200 Module
Dynamics of Rigid Bodies MENG10201 Module
Electromechanical Systems Integration (UWE) 4 MENGM0006 Module
Engineering by Investigation MENG10005 Module
Engineering Design and Technology MENGM0039 Module
Engineering for the Built Environment 4 MENGM6047 Module
Engineering Management MENG30012 Module
Engineering Practice MENG20007 Module
Engineering Practice (Study in Continental Europe) MENG20006 Module
Engineering Science 2021 MENG10004 Module
Engineering Science 2: Structures, Materials, and Mechanics MENG10007 Module
Engineering Study Abroad MENG39000 Module
Environmental Thermalhydraulics MENGM5031 Module
Failure of Materials MENG33112 Module
Finite Element Analysis MENG33111 Module
Finite Element Analysis (Imperial College London) MENGM0026 Module
Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer MENG30008 Module
Fluids 3 MENG30001 Module
Generic Propulsion MENGM0014 Module
Group Industrial Project MENGM5000 Module
Group Project Challenge (UWE) 4 MENGM0005 Module
Heat Transfer MENG31101 Module
Individual Research Project MENG35000 Module
Industrial Control MENGM0044 Module
Industrial Placement Unit MENG30002 Module
Interactions in Rotational and Nonlinear Dynamics MENGM0033 Module
Introduction to Design Practice CADE10001 Module
Literature Review MENGM6041 Module
Manufacturing Systems MENGM0032 Module
Materials 1 MENG11100 Module
Materials Engineering MENG20005 Module
Materials Engineering 2 MENG21100 Module
Mechatronics 3 MENG30003 Module
Modelling 2 MENG21712 Module
Modelling 2 (EDES) MENG20003 Module
Modern Approaches in Fluids MENGM0034 Module
MSc Project MENGM0000 Module
Multiphase Flow MENGM0031 Module
Non-Linear Behaviour of Materials MENGM5022 Module
Nonlinear Structural Dynamics MENGM0017 Module
Nuclear Materials Behaviour MENGM0015 Module
Nuclear Reactor Engineering MENGM0037 Module
Power Generation and Propulsion MENGM0055 Module
Power Generation for the 22nd Century MENGM0002 Module
Principles of Mechanical Engineering MENG10006 Module
Principles of Professional Practice MENG20008 Module
Process Engineering MENGM5032 Module
Product and Production Systems MENGM0056 Module
Product Design MENG36030 Module
Product Design & Visualisation MENG26003 Module
Research and Communications 4 MENGM0011 Module
Research and Communications 5 MENGM0012 Module
Research Project MENG30005 Module
Research Project Proposal MENGM6021 Module
Research Skills MENGM0016 Module
Residual Stress - Impact on Materials Performance MENGM6050 Module
Smart Structures MENGM6046 Module
Strategic Business Management for Engineers MENGM0041 Module
Structural Integrity 1 MENGM0030 Module
Structural Integrity and Non-destructive Evaluation MENGM0058 Module
Systems and Control Engineering 3 MENG30202 Module
Systems and Control Engineering 4 MENGM5012 Module
The Engineering Context of NDE (Bristol University) MENGM0036 Module
Thermal Sciences for Engineers MENG10001 Module
Thermodynamics I MENG11202 Module
Thermofluids MENG20009 Module
Thermofluids 2 MENG20600 Module
Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing MENGM0019 Module
Ultrasonics and Acoustics MENGM4500 Module
Uncertainty and Risk Management MENGM0038 Module
Vibrations 3 MENG31301 Module
Virtual Product Development MENGM6049 Module

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