Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Philosophy of Physics PHILM0029 Module
Aesthetics PHIL20136 Module
Ancient Philosophy PHIL20040 Module
Ancient Philosophy PHIL30092 Module
Arts, Activism and Social Justice Summer Programme PHIL10036 Module
Augustine PHIL30906 Module
Black Philosophical Thought PHIL30129 Module
Classical Chinese Philosophy PHIL30128 Module
Critical Reasoning PHIL10030 Module
Death, dying and disease PHIL30115 Module
Death, dying and disease PHIL20049 Module
Dissertation PHILM0001 Module
Early Modern Natural Philosophy PHILM0030 Module
Early Modern Natural Philosophy PHIL30130 Module
Epistemology PHIL20009 Module
Epistemology and Metaphysics PHILM0021 Module
Essay Unit 6 PHILM0024 Module
Ethics PHIL20011 Module
Ethics and Literature PHIL30094 Module
Evil, Deviance, and Crime PHIL30127 Module
Feminist Philosophy PHIL30123 Module
First Extended Essay PHIL30107 Module
Global Justice and Climate Change PHIL30120 Module
History of Science PHILM0007 Module
Introduction to Formal Logic PHIL10014 Module
Introduction to Metaphysics PHIL10017 Module
Introduction to Philosophy A PHIL10005 Module
Introduction to Philosophy B PHIL10006 Module
Introduction to the Philosophy of Science PHIL10015 Module
Knowledge and Reality PHIL10034 Module
Logic 2 PHIL20036 Module
Logic and Critical Thinking PHIL10032 Module
Marx's Political Writings PHIL10018 Module
Paradoxes PHIL10028 Module
Phenomenology PHIL30114 Module
Philosophical and Logical Theories of Truth PHIL30122 Module
Philosophical Foundations of Physics PHIL30054 Module
Philosophical Issues of Physical Sciences PHIL30052 Module
Philosophical Text 3: Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics PHIL10008 Module
Philosophical Texts 1: Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion PHIL10003 Module
Philosophical Texts: Plato PHIL10024 Module
Philosophical Writing and Research Seminar PHILM0025 Module
Philosophy and History of Mathematics PHILM0016 Module
Philosophy and the Environment PHIL30112 Module
Philosophy Essay Unit 4 PHILM0012 Module
Philosophy Essay Unit 5 PHILM0013 Module
Philosophy in the Digital Age PHIL30132 Module
Philosophy of Biology PHILM0006 Module
Philosophy of Biology PHIL30063 Module
Philosophy of Economics PHIL20058 Module
Philosophy of Economics PHIL30124 Module
Philosophy of Language PHIL30047 Module
Philosophy of Language PHIL20017 Module
Philosophy of Mathematics PHIL20039 Module
Philosophy of Mathematics PHIL30090 Module
Philosophy of Medicine PHIL20042 Module
Philosophy of Mind PHIL30904 Module
Philosophy of Mind PHIL20010 Module
Philosophy of Natural and Social Science PHIL20037 Module
Philosophy of Natural and Social Science PHIL30086 Module
Philosophy of Perception PHIL30119 Module
Philosophy of Physics PHILM0005 Module
Philosophy of Probability PHILM0028 Module
Philosophy of Psychology PHIL30077 Module
Philosophy of Psychology PHILM0020 Module
Philosophy of Religion PHIL20052 Module
Philosophy of Science PHIL30049 Module
Political Economy PHIL30142 Module
Political Philosophy PHIL20012 Module
Probability and Rationality PHIL30078 Module
Project PHILM0008 Module
Readings in Value Theory PHIL10033 Module
Realism and Normativity PHIL20046 Module
Recognition and Respect PHIL30035 Module
Scepticism PHIL30121 Module
Schopenhauer and Nietzsche PHIL20041 Module
Scientific Epistemology and Methodology PHILM0004 Module
Second Extended Essay PHIL30108 Module
Social Epistemology of the Internet PHIL30133 Module
Space, Time and Matter PHIL30125 Module
Space, Time and Matter PHIL20053 Module
Study Abroad (USA Exchange) 1 PHIL20132 Module
Study Abroad A PHIL20056 Module
Study Abroad B PHIL20054 Module
Study Abroad C PHIL20055 Module
Texts in Early Modern Philosophy: Empiricism PHIL10031 Module
Texts in Modern European Philosophy 1 PHIL20050 Module
Texts in Modern European Philosophy 2 PHIL30116 Module
Texts in Modern Political Philosophy PHIL10027 Module
The Ethics of Migration and Citizenship PHIL30118 Module
The Nature of Reality PHIL20062 Module
The Philosophy and History of Medicine PHILM0022 Module
The Philosophy and History of Medicine PHIL30082 Module
The Rationalists PHIL30034 Module
Themes in Modern European Philosophy 1 PHIL20051 Module
Themes in Modern European Philosophy 2 PHIL30117 Module
Thinking about Science PHIL10035 Module
Topics in Aesthetics PHIL30113 Module
Value Theory PHILM0026 Module
Virtue and Well-Being PHIL30126 Module
What is democracy, and how should it work? PHIL30131 Module
What is democracy, and how should it work? PHIL20057 Module

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