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'Hedgehogs and Foxes': The nineteen Century Russian Novel RUSS20013 Module
A Kidnapped West?: Czech Literature since 1918 RUSS30066 Module
Advanced Czech Language RUSS30070 Module
Advanced Czech Language RUSS30055 Module
Anticipating the End: Russian Thought in the Shadow of Revolution (1890-1917) RUSS30059 Module
Between Utopia and the Everyday: St Petersburg – Moscow RUSS30080 Module
Chekhov on the World (TB2) RUSS20055 Module
Chekhov on the World Stage RUSS20014 Module
Contemporary Russia through the Media RUSS10034 Module
Czech for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 1 (ab initio) LANG10013 Module
Czech Gender Relations RUSS20047 Module
Czech Language 1 RUSS10015 Module
Czech Language 2 RUSS20029 Module
Czech Language 3 RUSS30029 Module
Czech Language and Society RUSS10026 Module
Czech Literature since 1958 RUSS30041 Module
Decadence, Decay and Rebirth: Russian & Czech Literature, 1870 - 1914 RUSS30084 Module
Dostoevsky RUSS30063 Module
Engineers of the Human Soul: Soviet Culture and Politics 1917–1941 RUSS20060 Module
From Nation-Building to Rat-Catching: Czech Literature 1817-1913 RUSS20046 Module
From Nation-Building to Rat-Catching: Czech Literature 1817-1913 RUSS10040 Module
From Nation-Building to Rat-Catching: Czech Literature 1817-1913 RUSS20059 Module
Gender in Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century Russia RUSS30062 Module
Hedgehogs and Foxes (TB2) RUSS20053 Module
Intermediate Czech Language RUSS20043 Module
Introduction to Czech History and Culture RUSS10038 Module
Introduction to Russian for Graduate Students RUSSM0020 Module
Introduction to Russian History and Culture RUSS10033 Module
Introduction to Russian Literature RUSS10037 Module
Islam in Russia RUSS30069 Module
Laughter Through Tears: The Comic Tradition in Russian Literature (TB2) RUSS20058 Module
Life and Death with Stalin RUSS30079 Module
Literature After Literature?: Russian Fiction in the Twenty-First Century RUSS30067 Module
Post Soviet Russian Prose Fiction RUSS30040 Module
Pushkin and Russian Romanticism RUSS20037 Module
Pushkin and Russian Romanticism (TB2) RUSS20057 Module
Revolutionary Russia, 1881-1917 RUSS20066 Module
Russia in the 1990s: A Decade of Chaos? RUSS30065 Module
Russia in the 1990s: A Decade of Chaos? RUSS30078 Module
Russian for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 1 LANG10006 Module
Russian for General Purposes Level 1 Grade 2 (post GCSE) LANG10014 Module
Russian Language (ab initio) RUSS10001 Module
Russian Language (for qualified entrants) RUSS10036 Module
Russian Language 2 RUSS20008 Module
Russian Language 2 for Single Honours RUSS20062 Module
Russian Language 3 RUSS30001 Module
Russian Language 3 for Single Honours RUSS30081 Module
Russian Language Culture and Nation RUSS30061 Module
Russian Language Level 2 Grade 1 LANG20005 Module
Russian Orthodox Culture RUSS20044 Module
Russian Orthodox Culture (TB2) RUSS20056 Module
Russian Thought 1825-1881 RUSS20048 Module
Soviet Cultural Politics 1917 - 1991 RUSS30044 Module
Struggle for Russia (TB2) RUSS20052 Module
Thaws and Freezes: The Soviet Union after Stalin RUSS20051 Module
The Cold War at Home: Soviet Culture and Society 1945-1991 RUSS30058 Module
The Cold War at Home: Soviet Culture and Society 1945-1991 RUSS30064 Module
The Culture of Putin’s Russia RUSS20063 Module
The New Soviet Man and His 'Others': Politics and Identity in Soviet Russia, 1917-1945 RUSS20010 Module
The Nineteenth-Century Russian Novel RUSS20069 Module
The Russian Novel 1900 - 1985 RUSS30045 Module
The Soviet Union from Beginning to End RUSS20061 Module
The Struggle for Russia: 19th-century Debates on Self and Society RUSS20012 Module
Tolstoy RUSS20036 Module
Tolstoy (TB2) RUSS20054 Module
Translation Practice and Analysis I: Russian MODLM0060 Module
Translation Practice and Analysis II: Russian MODLM0067 Module
Understanding Russia: Critical Approaches RUSS10039 Module
Understanding Russia: History & Identity RUSS10041 Module
Understanding Russia: Literature & Visual Culture RUSS10042 Module
Writing Revolution: Russian Literature, 1910-1940 RUSS30068 Module
Year Abroad (Joint Honours) RUSS29003 Module
Year Abroad (Modern Languages) RUSS29001 Module
Year Abroad (Modern Languages): Czech RUSS29004 Module
Year Abroad (Single Honours) RUSS29002 Module

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