Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
3000 Years of Chinese Religions THRS20103 Module
3000 Years of Chinese Religions THRS10036 Module
Advanced Biblical Hebrew THRSM0095 Module
Ancient Jewish Novels THRSM0131 Module
Ancient Jewish Novels THRS30071 Module
Apologetics and Evangelism (Trinity and Baptist College) THRS30148 Module
Approaches to the Study of Religion THRS20098 Module
Approaches to the Study of Religion THRS10030 Module
Atheism THRS30050 Module
Atheism THRSM0107 Module
Baptist History and Principles (Trinity and Baptist College) THRS30045 Module
Biblical Hebrew and Exegesis (Trinity and Baptist College) THRSM0090 Module
Buddhism in Practice THRSM0118 Module
Buddhism in Practice THRS30081 Module
Buddhism: The Foundations THRSM0015 Module
Buddhist Art, Architecture, and Material Culture THRS10060 Module
Buddhist Art, Architecture, and Material Culture THRS20207 Module
Buddhist Psychology and Mental Health THRSM0105 Module
Buddhist Psychology and Mental Health THRS30067 Module
Challenges in Abrahamic Religions THRS20228 Module
Chinese Religions: Practices and Beliefs THRS20221 Module
Christian Theology of ‘Other Religions’ THRS20217 Module
Christianity and Islam: Viewing the Other THRS10053 Module
Christianity and Islam: Viewing the Other THRS20203 Module
Comparative Religions: Themes and Methods THRSM0119 Module
Contemporary Ethics THRS10044 Module
Contemporary Ethics THRS20194 Module
Dead Sea Scrolls THRS30180 Module
Dead Sea Scrolls THRSM0136 Module
Death and Afterlife in Buddhism THRS30101 Module
Death and Afterlife in Buddhism THRSM0112 Module
Dissertation THRSM0025 Module
Dissertation THRS30100 Module
Dissertation THRSM0120 Module
Dissertation with Fieldwork or Community Placement THRSM0121 Module
Dissertation with fieldwork or community placement THRS30046 Module
Divine Love in Hinduism: From Devotion to Tantra THRS20204 Module
Divine Love in Hinduism: From Devotion to Tantra THRS10054 Module
Early and Premodern Christianity THRS20100 Module
Early and Premodern Christianity THRS10032 Module
Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia THRS30089 Module
Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia THRSM0126 Module
Essentials of Christian Belief (Trinity & Baptist College) THRS11040 Module
Evil Monks, Foxy Ladies, and Pocket Monsters: Religion and Japanese Popular Culture THRS20225 Module
Following Jesus: Introducing Christian Discipleship (Trinity & Baptist College) THRS11041 Module
From Hell to Heaven: the Bible and spirituality THRS30080 Module
From Hell to Heaven: the Bible and spirituality THRSM0129 Module
Further Biblical Hebrew and Exegesis (Trinity and Baptist College) THRSM0092 Module
Further New Testament Greek (Trinity and Baptist College) THRSM0043 Module
Getting into the New Testament (Trinity & Baptist College) THRS11042 Module
Getting into the Old Testament (Trinity & Baptist College) THRS11038 Module
Ghosts, Death and the Afterlife THRS20167 Module
Ghosts, Death and the Afterlife THRS11055 Module
God, Humanity & the Earth: Environmental Theology for a Time of Crisis (Trinity and Baptist Colleges) THRS30072 Module
Greco-Roman Judaism THRS20216 Module
Heresy and Reform in the Medieval and Early Modern Eras THRS20208 Module
Heresy and Reform in the Medieval and Early Modern Eras THRS10062 Module
Indian Philosophy THRS20205 Module
Indian Philosophy THRS10056 Module
Integrated Learning Week: Sustaining the World (Trinity and Baptist College) THRS20077 Module
Interpreting the Psalms THRSM0070 Module
Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy THRS20193 Module
Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy THRS10043 Module
Introduction to Hebrew 1 THRSM0117 Module
Introduction to Hebrew 1 THRS20224 Module
Introduction to Hebrew 1 THRS30169 Module
Introduction to Hebrew 1 THRS20186 Module
Introduction to Hebrew 1 THRS30183 Module
Introduction to Hebrew 2 THRS30170 Module
Introduction to Hebrew 2 THRSM0116 Module
Introduction to Hebrew I THRS10015 Module
Introduction to Hebrew I THRS10066 Module
Introduction to Japanese Religions THRS30094 Module
Introduction to Japanese Religions THRS20209 Module
Introduction to Japanese Religions THRS10059 Module
Introduction to Judaism, Christianity and Islam THRS10067 Module
Introduction to Sanskrit 1 THRS20188 Module
Introduction to Sanskrit 1 THRSM0097 Module
Introduction to Sanskrit 1 THRS30171 Module
Introduction to Sanskrit 2 THRSM0098 Module
Introduction to Sanskrit 2 THRS30172 Module
Introduction to Sanskrit 2 THRS20189 Module
Introduction to Sanskrit I: Grammar THRS10017 Module
Introduction to Sanskrit II: Texts THRS10018 Module
Introduction to the Religions and Philosophies of Asia THRS10068 Module
Issues in Biblical Theology (Trinity & Baptist College) THRSM0041 Module
Issues in the Study of Religion THRS10031 Module
Issues in the Study of Religion THRS20099 Module
Japanese Religions: Practices and Beliefs THRS20220 Module
Jesus in an Age of Colonialism THRS30068 Module
Jesus in an Age of Colonialism THRSM0104 Module
Living Religions THRS10028 Module
Living Religions East THRS10065 Module
Living Religions West THRS10064 Module
Luke-Acts (Trinity and Baptist College) THRS20094 Module
MA Dissertation (Trinity & Baptist College) THRSM0056 Module
Mahayana Buddhist Literature THRS30075 Module
Mahayana Buddhist Literature THRSM0110 Module
Mahayana Buddhist Literature in East Asia THRSM0125 Module
Mahayana Buddhist Literature in East Asia THRS30088 Module
Medieval Mystics and Visionaries in Medieval England THRSM0100 Module
Medieval Mystics and Visionaries in Medieval England THRS30049 Module
Medieval Religion: Christianity and Islam THRS30099 Module
Miracles in the Christian Tradition THRS20111 Module
Miracles in the Christian Tradition THRS10055 Module
Miracles in the Christian Tradition THRS30111 Module
Monasticism: Buddhism and Christianity THRS30090 Module
Monasticism: Buddhism and Christianity THRSM0127 Module
Mysticism East and West THRS10051 Module
Mysticism East and West THRS20199 Module
New Testament Greek and Exegesis (Trinity and Baptist College) THRSM0091 Module
Philosophical Approaches to Religious Experience THRS10057 Module
Philosophical Approaches to Religious Experience THRS20206 Module
Philosophical Approaches to Religious Experience and Mysticism THRS20218 Module
Political Islam THRSM0140 Module
Political Islam THRS30184 Module
Reading the Bible in Its Context and Ours (Trinity & Baptist College) THRS11039 Module
Reflection on Religious Pluralism in Contemporary Society THRS30069 Module
Religion and History of Ancient Israel THRS20219 Module
Religion and Material Culture THRS20096 Module
Religion and Material Culture THRS11051 Module
Religion: Contexts and Perspectives THRS20214 Module
Religion: Practices and Ideas THRS20215 Module
Religious and Cultural Change in India: from Indus to Islam THRS10033 Module
Religious and Cultural Change in India: from Indus to Islam THRS20101 Module
Revivals and Revivalism Past and Present THRSM0047 Module
Roman Catholic Beliefs and Practices: Contemporary Controversies THRS10046 Module
Roman Catholic Beliefs and Practices: Contemporary Controversies THRS20195 Module
Sex, Humour, and Piety: Life in the Ancient and Medieval Buddhist Monastery THRS30185 Module
Sex, Humour, and Piety: Life in the Ancient and Medieval Buddhist Monastery THRSM0141 Module
Sex, Marriage, and Deviance in the Medieval and Early Modern Eras THRS30077 Module
Sex, Marriage, and Deviance in the Medieval and Early Modern Eras THRSM0109 Module
Sisters, Saints and Sinners: Women and the Medieval Church THRSM0115 Module
Sisters, Saints and Sinners: Women and the Medieval Church THRS30076 Module
Study Year Abroad THRS30082 Module
Supervised Individual Study 2 THRSM0079 Module
Symposium 2 A THRS20211 Module
Symposium I in Religion and Theology THRS10029 Module
Symposium II in Religion and Theology THRS20097 Module
The Bible and Politics THRS30074 Module
The Bible and/as Literature THRS20196 Module
The Bible and/as Literature THRS10047 Module
The Bible in the Academy THRS20093 Module
The Bible in the Academy THRS10058 Module
The Body in East Asian Thought and Practices THRSM0133 Module
The Body in East Asian Thought and Practices THRS30098 Module
The Body, Gender and Religion THRS20192 Module
The Body, Gender and Religion THRS10042 Module
The Dead Sea Scrolls and Scripture THRS30097 Module
The Dead Sea Scrolls and Scripture THRSM0132 Module
The Foundations of Buddhist Thought and Practice THRS10045 Module
The Foundations of Buddhist Thought and Practice THRS20031 Module
The History of Christianity: Core Texts THRSM0001 Module
The Individual and Community: Letters in the Middle Ages THRS30091 Module
The Individual and Community: Letters in the Middle Ages THRSM0128 Module
The Origins and Development of Zen Buddhism THRSM0028 Module
The Philosophy of Religion THRS20102 Module
The Philosophy of Religion THRS10034 Module
The Practice of Theravada Buddhism in Asia THRSM0018 Module
The Practice of Tibetan Religion THRSM0130 Module
The Practice of Tibetan Religion THRS30096 Module
The Question of Divine Suffering (Trinity and Baptist Colleges) THRS20109 Module
The Religious World of Dante THRS20090 Module
The Religious World of Dante THRS10050 Module
The Renaissance and the Rise of the Modern Age THRS10041 Module
The Renaissance and the Rise of the Modern Age THRS20108 Module
The Resurgence of Antisemitism in the 21st century THRS30150 Module
The Resurgence of Antisemitism in the 21st Century THRSM0124 Module
The Theology of John Calvin THRS20095 Module
The Theology of Karl Barth (Trinity and Baptist Colleges) THRS20179 Module
The Theology of Martin Luther THRSM0122 Module
The Theology of Martin Luther THRS30110 Module
The Theology of Martin Luther THRS20200 Module
The Theology of Martin Luther THRS10061 Module
The Theology of St Anselm of Canterbury THRS30109 Module
The Thought of John Calvin THRS10048 Module
The Thought of John Calvin THRS20197 Module
The True, the Good, and the Beautiful: Neoplatonism in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam THRS30078 Module
The True, the Good, and the Beautiful: Neoplatonism in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam THRSM0108 Module
Theology and Religious Studies Dissertation THRS30026 Module
Theology in the Twentieth Century THRS30102 Module
Theology in the Twentieth Century THRS20088 Module
Theology in the Twentieth Century THRS30177 Module
Theravada Buddhist Practice in Asia THRS30019 Module
Topics in Chinese Buddhism THRS30087 Module
Topics in Religion and Theology THRS10063 Module
Torah through the Ages THRS10049 Module
Torah through the Ages THRS20213 Module
Vatican II and Post-conciliar Roman Catholic Debates in Theology THRSM0123 Module
Vatican II and post-conciliar Roman Catholic debates in theology THRS30086 Module
Yoga and Meditation THRSM0111 Module
Yoga and Meditation THRS30079 Module
Zen Buddhism THRS30060 Module

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