Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
3000 Years of Chinese Religions |
THRS20103 |
Module |
3000 Years of Chinese Religions |
THRS10036 |
Module |
Advanced Biblical Hebrew |
THRSM0095 |
Module |
Ancient Jewish Novels |
THRSM0131 |
Module |
Ancient Jewish Novels |
THRS30071 |
Module |
Apologetics and Evangelism (Trinity and Baptist College) |
THRS30148 |
Module |
Approaches to the Study of Religion |
THRS20098 |
Module |
Approaches to the Study of Religion |
THRS10030 |
Module |
Atheism |
THRS30050 |
Module |
Atheism |
THRSM0107 |
Module |
Baptist History and Principles (Trinity and Baptist College) |
THRS30045 |
Module |
Biblical Hebrew and Exegesis (Trinity and Baptist College) |
THRSM0090 |
Module |
Buddhism in Practice |
THRSM0118 |
Module |
Buddhism in Practice |
THRS30081 |
Module |
Buddhism: The Foundations |
THRSM0015 |
Module |
Buddhist Art, Architecture, and Material Culture |
THRS10060 |
Module |
Buddhist Art, Architecture, and Material Culture |
THRS20207 |
Module |
Buddhist Psychology and Mental Health |
THRSM0105 |
Module |
Buddhist Psychology and Mental Health |
THRS30067 |
Module |
Challenges in Abrahamic Religions |
THRS20228 |
Module |
Chinese Religions: Practices and Beliefs |
THRS20221 |
Module |
Christian Theology of ‘Other Religions’ |
THRS20217 |
Module |
Christianity and Islam: Viewing the Other |
THRS10053 |
Module |
Christianity and Islam: Viewing the Other |
THRS20203 |
Module |
Comparative Religions: Themes and Methods |
THRSM0119 |
Module |
Contemporary Ethics |
THRS10044 |
Module |
Contemporary Ethics |
THRS20194 |
Module |
Dead Sea Scrolls |
THRS30180 |
Module |
Dead Sea Scrolls |
THRSM0136 |
Module |
Death and Afterlife in Buddhism |
THRS30101 |
Module |
Death and Afterlife in Buddhism |
THRSM0112 |
Module |
Dissertation |
THRSM0025 |
Module |
Dissertation |
THRS30100 |
Module |
Dissertation |
THRSM0120 |
Module |
Dissertation with Fieldwork or Community Placement |
THRSM0121 |
Module |
Dissertation with fieldwork or community placement |
THRS30046 |
Module |
Divine Love in Hinduism: From Devotion to Tantra |
THRS20204 |
Module |
Divine Love in Hinduism: From Devotion to Tantra |
THRS10054 |
Module |
Early and Premodern Christianity |
THRS20100 |
Module |
Early and Premodern Christianity |
THRS10032 |
Module |
Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia |
THRS30089 |
Module |
Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia |
THRSM0126 |
Module |
Essentials of Christian Belief (Trinity & Baptist College) |
THRS11040 |
Module |
Evil Monks, Foxy Ladies, and Pocket Monsters: Religion and Japanese Popular Culture |
THRS20225 |
Module |
Following Jesus: Introducing Christian Discipleship (Trinity & Baptist College) |
THRS11041 |
Module |
From Hell to Heaven: the Bible and spirituality |
THRS30080 |
Module |
From Hell to Heaven: the Bible and spirituality |
THRSM0129 |
Module |
Further Biblical Hebrew and Exegesis (Trinity and Baptist College) |
THRSM0092 |
Module |
Further New Testament Greek (Trinity and Baptist College) |
THRSM0043 |
Module |
Getting into the New Testament (Trinity & Baptist College) |
THRS11042 |
Module |
Getting into the Old Testament (Trinity & Baptist College) |
THRS11038 |
Module |
Ghosts, Death and the Afterlife |
THRS20167 |
Module |
Ghosts, Death and the Afterlife |
THRS11055 |
Module |
God, Humanity & the Earth: Environmental Theology for a Time of Crisis (Trinity and Baptist Colleges) |
THRS30072 |
Module |
Greco-Roman Judaism |
THRS20216 |
Module |
Heresy and Reform in the Medieval and Early Modern Eras |
THRS20208 |
Module |
Heresy and Reform in the Medieval and Early Modern Eras |
THRS10062 |
Module |
Indian Philosophy |
THRS20205 |
Module |
Indian Philosophy |
THRS10056 |
Module |
Integrated Learning Week: Sustaining the World (Trinity and Baptist College) |
THRS20077 |
Module |
Interpreting the Psalms |
THRSM0070 |
Module |
Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy |
THRS20193 |
Module |
Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy |
THRS10043 |
Module |
Introduction to Hebrew 1 |
THRSM0117 |
Module |
Introduction to Hebrew 1 |
THRS20224 |
Module |
Introduction to Hebrew 1 |
THRS30169 |
Module |
Introduction to Hebrew 1 |
THRS20186 |
Module |
Introduction to Hebrew 1 |
THRS30183 |
Module |
Introduction to Hebrew 2 |
THRS30170 |
Module |
Introduction to Hebrew 2 |
THRSM0116 |
Module |
Introduction to Hebrew I |
THRS10015 |
Module |
Introduction to Hebrew I |
THRS10066 |
Module |
Introduction to Japanese Religions |
THRS30094 |
Module |
Introduction to Japanese Religions |
THRS20209 |
Module |
Introduction to Japanese Religions |
THRS10059 |
Module |
Introduction to Judaism, Christianity and Islam |
THRS10067 |
Module |
Introduction to Sanskrit 1 |
THRS20188 |
Module |
Introduction to Sanskrit 1 |
THRSM0097 |
Module |
Introduction to Sanskrit 1 |
THRS30171 |
Module |
Introduction to Sanskrit 2 |
THRSM0098 |
Module |
Introduction to Sanskrit 2 |
THRS30172 |
Module |
Introduction to Sanskrit 2 |
THRS20189 |
Module |
Introduction to Sanskrit I: Grammar |
THRS10017 |
Module |
Introduction to Sanskrit II: Texts |
THRS10018 |
Module |
Introduction to the Religions and Philosophies of Asia |
THRS10068 |
Module |
Issues in Biblical Theology (Trinity & Baptist College) |
THRSM0041 |
Module |
Issues in the Study of Religion |
THRS10031 |
Module |
Issues in the Study of Religion |
THRS20099 |
Module |
Japanese Religions: Practices and Beliefs |
THRS20220 |
Module |
Jesus in an Age of Colonialism |
THRS30068 |
Module |
Jesus in an Age of Colonialism |
THRSM0104 |
Module |
Living Religions |
THRS10028 |
Module |
Living Religions East |
THRS10065 |
Module |
Living Religions West |
THRS10064 |
Module |
Luke-Acts (Trinity and Baptist College) |
THRS20094 |
Module |
MA Dissertation (Trinity & Baptist College) |
THRSM0056 |
Module |
Mahayana Buddhist Literature |
THRS30075 |
Module |
Mahayana Buddhist Literature |
THRSM0110 |
Module |
Mahayana Buddhist Literature in East Asia |
THRSM0125 |
Module |
Mahayana Buddhist Literature in East Asia |
THRS30088 |
Module |
Medieval Mystics and Visionaries in Medieval England |
THRSM0100 |
Module |
Medieval Mystics and Visionaries in Medieval England |
THRS30049 |
Module |
Medieval Religion: Christianity and Islam |
THRS30099 |
Module |
Miracles in the Christian Tradition |
THRS20111 |
Module |
Miracles in the Christian Tradition |
THRS10055 |
Module |
Miracles in the Christian Tradition |
THRS30111 |
Module |
Monasticism: Buddhism and Christianity |
THRS30090 |
Module |
Monasticism: Buddhism and Christianity |
THRSM0127 |
Module |
Mysticism East and West |
THRS10051 |
Module |
Mysticism East and West |
THRS20199 |
Module |
New Testament Greek and Exegesis (Trinity and Baptist College) |
THRSM0091 |
Module |
Philosophical Approaches to Religious Experience |
THRS10057 |
Module |
Philosophical Approaches to Religious Experience |
THRS20206 |
Module |
Philosophical Approaches to Religious Experience and Mysticism |
THRS20218 |
Module |
Political Islam |
THRSM0140 |
Module |
Political Islam |
THRS30184 |
Module |
Reading the Bible in Its Context and Ours (Trinity & Baptist College) |
THRS11039 |
Module |
Reflection on Religious Pluralism in Contemporary Society |
THRS30069 |
Module |
Religion and History of Ancient Israel |
THRS20219 |
Module |
Religion and Material Culture |
THRS20096 |
Module |
Religion and Material Culture |
THRS11051 |
Module |
Religion: Contexts and Perspectives |
THRS20214 |
Module |
Religion: Practices and Ideas |
THRS20215 |
Module |
Religious and Cultural Change in India: from Indus to Islam |
THRS10033 |
Module |
Religious and Cultural Change in India: from Indus to Islam |
THRS20101 |
Module |
Revivals and Revivalism Past and Present |
THRSM0047 |
Module |
Roman Catholic Beliefs and Practices: Contemporary Controversies |
THRS10046 |
Module |
Roman Catholic Beliefs and Practices: Contemporary Controversies |
THRS20195 |
Module |
Sex, Humour, and Piety: Life in the Ancient and Medieval Buddhist Monastery |
THRS30185 |
Module |
Sex, Humour, and Piety: Life in the Ancient and Medieval Buddhist Monastery |
THRSM0141 |
Module |
Sex, Marriage, and Deviance in the Medieval and Early Modern Eras |
THRS30077 |
Module |
Sex, Marriage, and Deviance in the Medieval and Early Modern Eras |
THRSM0109 |
Module |
Sisters, Saints and Sinners: Women and the Medieval Church |
THRSM0115 |
Module |
Sisters, Saints and Sinners: Women and the Medieval Church |
THRS30076 |
Module |
Study Year Abroad |
THRS30082 |
Module |
Supervised Individual Study 2 |
THRSM0079 |
Module |
Symposium 2 A |
THRS20211 |
Module |
Symposium I in Religion and Theology |
THRS10029 |
Module |
Symposium II in Religion and Theology |
THRS20097 |
Module |
The Bible and Politics |
THRS30074 |
Module |
The Bible and/as Literature |
THRS20196 |
Module |
The Bible and/as Literature |
THRS10047 |
Module |
The Bible in the Academy |
THRS20093 |
Module |
The Bible in the Academy |
THRS10058 |
Module |
The Body in East Asian Thought and Practices |
THRSM0133 |
Module |
The Body in East Asian Thought and Practices |
THRS30098 |
Module |
The Body, Gender and Religion |
THRS20192 |
Module |
The Body, Gender and Religion |
THRS10042 |
Module |
The Dead Sea Scrolls and Scripture |
THRS30097 |
Module |
The Dead Sea Scrolls and Scripture |
THRSM0132 |
Module |
The Foundations of Buddhist Thought and Practice |
THRS10045 |
Module |
The Foundations of Buddhist Thought and Practice |
THRS20031 |
Module |
The History of Christianity: Core Texts |
THRSM0001 |
Module |
The Individual and Community: Letters in the Middle Ages |
THRS30091 |
Module |
The Individual and Community: Letters in the Middle Ages |
THRSM0128 |
Module |
The Origins and Development of Zen Buddhism |
THRSM0028 |
Module |
The Philosophy of Religion |
THRS20102 |
Module |
The Philosophy of Religion |
THRS10034 |
Module |
The Practice of Theravada Buddhism in Asia |
THRSM0018 |
Module |
The Practice of Tibetan Religion |
THRSM0130 |
Module |
The Practice of Tibetan Religion |
THRS30096 |
Module |
The Question of Divine Suffering (Trinity and Baptist Colleges) |
THRS20109 |
Module |
The Religious World of Dante |
THRS20090 |
Module |
The Religious World of Dante |
THRS10050 |
Module |
The Renaissance and the Rise of the Modern Age |
THRS10041 |
Module |
The Renaissance and the Rise of the Modern Age |
THRS20108 |
Module |
The Resurgence of Antisemitism in the 21st century |
THRS30150 |
Module |
The Resurgence of Antisemitism in the 21st Century |
THRSM0124 |
Module |
The Theology of John Calvin |
THRS20095 |
Module |
The Theology of Karl Barth (Trinity and Baptist Colleges) |
THRS20179 |
Module |
The Theology of Martin Luther |
THRSM0122 |
Module |
The Theology of Martin Luther |
THRS30110 |
Module |
The Theology of Martin Luther |
THRS20200 |
Module |
The Theology of Martin Luther |
THRS10061 |
Module |
The Theology of St Anselm of Canterbury |
THRS30109 |
Module |
The Thought of John Calvin |
THRS10048 |
Module |
The Thought of John Calvin |
THRS20197 |
Module |
The True, the Good, and the Beautiful: Neoplatonism in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam |
THRS30078 |
Module |
The True, the Good, and the Beautiful: Neoplatonism in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam |
THRSM0108 |
Module |
Theology and Religious Studies Dissertation |
THRS30026 |
Module |
Theology in the Twentieth Century |
THRS30102 |
Module |
Theology in the Twentieth Century |
THRS20088 |
Module |
Theology in the Twentieth Century |
THRS30177 |
Module |
Theravada Buddhist Practice in Asia |
THRS30019 |
Module |
Topics in Chinese Buddhism |
THRS30087 |
Module |
Topics in Religion and Theology |
THRS10063 |
Module |
Torah through the Ages |
THRS10049 |
Module |
Torah through the Ages |
THRS20213 |
Module |
Vatican II and Post-conciliar Roman Catholic Debates in Theology |
THRSM0123 |
Module |
Vatican II and post-conciliar Roman Catholic debates in theology |
THRS30086 |
Module |
Yoga and Meditation |
THRSM0111 |
Module |
Yoga and Meditation |
THRS30079 |
Module |
Zen Buddhism |
THRS30060 |
Module |