Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Analysing Performance THTR10015 Module
Applied Theatre THTR20002 Module
Applied Theatre THTR30002 Module
Choreography for Theatre DRAM20051 Module
Choreography for Theatre THTR20004 Module
Choreography for Theatre THTR30013 Module
Clowning Through History THTR20014 Module
Clowning Through History THTR30020 Module
Contemporary British Theatre THTR20006 Module
Contemporary British Theatre THTR30019 Module
Contemporary British Theatre DRAM30053 Module
Critical Theory THTRM0010 Module
Criticism and the Arts THTR10004 Module
Criticism and the Arts DRAM10029 Module
Decolonising Performance THTR20019 Module
Decolonising the Stage THTR30021 Module
Decolonising the Stage THTR20016 Module
Devised Performance THTR20007 Module
Devised Performance DRAM33124 Module
Devised Performance THTR30003 Module
Early Modern Theatre Practice THTR30008 Module
Early Modern Theatre Practice THTR20013 Module
Early Modern Theatre Practice DRAM20056 Module
Extended Essay DRAM33122 Module
Extended Essay THTR30005 Module
Immersive and Interactive Storytelling THTRM0012 Module
Independent Study 1 THTR30004 Module
Independent Study 1 DRAM33123 Module
Independent Study 2 THTR30014 Module
Independent Study 2 DRAM30028 Module
Independent Study: Dissertation THTR30018 Module
Independent Study: Dissertation DRAM30045 Module
Independent Study: Extended Essay DRAM30044 Module
Independent Study: Extended Essay THTR30017 Module
Independent Study: Performance Project THTR30015 Module
Independent Study: Performance Project DRAM30041 Module
Independent Study: Practice-as-Research Project THTR30024 Module
Independent Study: Work Placement DRAM30043 Module
Independent Study: Work Placement THTR30016 Module
Interpreting Plays THTR20011 Module
Interpreting Plays THTR30012 Module
Interpreting Plays DRAM23128 Module
Introduction to Performance Practices THTR10011 Module
Introduction to Performance Practices THTR10009 Module
Introduction to Performance Studies THTR10008 Module
Melodrama THTR20008 Module
Melodrama THTR30011 Module
Melodrama DRAM20054 Module
Methods and Questions in Performance Research THTRM0002 Module
Performance Action/Direction THTRM0006 Module
Performance Contexts THTR10003 Module
Performance Contexts DRAM10025 Module
Performance Forms and Analysis DRAM11004 Module
Performance Forms and Analysis THTR10005 Module
Performance Histories DRAM23125 Module
Performance Histories THTR20010 Module
Performance Project THTR30025 Module
Performance Space/Place THTRM0005 Module
Performance Space/Place DRAMM1113 Module
Performing the Archive: Re-use, Re-enactment and Adaptation THTR20012 Module
Performing the Archive: Re-use, Re-enactment and Adaptation DRAM23129 Module
Performing the Archive: Re-use, Re-enactment and Adaptation THTR30010 Module
Performing the Body THTRM0004 Module
Politics of Performance DRAM20048 Module
Politics of Performance THTR20005 Module
Popular Performance THTR20018 Module
Popular Performance: Cabaret, Music Hall, Musicals and Revue THTR20009 Module
Popular Performance: Cabaret, Music Hall, Musicals and Revue DRAM23124 Module
Popular Performance: Cabaret, Music Hall, Musicals and Revue THTR30009 Module
Postcolonial Theatre (2nd Year) THTR20001 Module
Practice-as-Research Project THTR30027 Module
Producing the Performance DRAM10027 Module
Producing the Performance THTR10007 Module
Production and Design for Theatre THTR20017 Module
Production for Design and Performance THTR10002 Module
Production Skills for Performance 1 DRAM10028 Module
Production Skills for Performance 2 DRAM10026 Module
Research Project THTR30026 Module
Site-Specific and Immersive Performance DRAM30056 Module
Site-Specific and Immersive Performance THTR30006 Module
Site-Specific and Immersive Performance THTRM0007 Module
Site-Specific and Immersive Performance DRAMM0020 Module
Staging the Text DRAM11008 Module
Staging the Text THTR10006 Module
Study Abroad THTR20003 Module
Study Abroad DRAM20057 Module
The Age of the Actress: Eighteenth-Century Performance Practices THTR20015 Module
The Age of the Actress: Eighteenth-Century Performance Practices THTR30022 Module
Translation and Adaptation DRAM30055 Module
Translation and Adaptation DRAM20055 Module
Translation and Adaptation THTR30007 Module

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