17/02/2025 17:31:44 | SOCI30062: Perspectives on Power | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
17/02/2025 17:20:26 | CLAS12361: Epic | List published | 4 items added |
17/02/2025 17:16:07 | SOCI30062: Perspectives on Power | List published | 15 items added |
17/02/2025 17:03:05 | SOCI30062: Perspectives on Power | List published | 3 items added |
17/02/2025 16:37:56 | Copy of MODL30018: Gender, Sexuality and Cinema | List published | 4 items added |
17/02/2025 16:36:40 | MODL20020: Cinema and Revolution | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
17/02/2025 16:21:22 | MODL20020: Cinema and Revolution | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
17/02/2025 16:18:34 | MODL20020: Cinema and Revolution | List published | 1 item added |
17/02/2025 16:11:19 | PSYCM0088: Self & Social Psychology (Conversion) 2024 | List published | 1 item added |
17/02/2025 15:32:24 | EFIM30027: Behavioural Economics | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
17/02/2025 15:19:33 | MGRCM0032: Understanding Change Management | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
17/02/2025 12:35:18 | PSYC30017 & PSYCM0054: Issues in Social Psychology | List published | 1 item added |
17/02/2025 12:12:28 | HIST20134: Disease, Deviance and Disability in Modern Medicine | List published | 17 items added |
17/02/2025 11:44:01 | EDUCM0097 Emotions and the Learning Brain | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
17/02/2025 11:43:39 | EDUCM0097 Emotions and the Learning Brain | List published | 14 items added, 6 sections added |
17/02/2025 11:12:15 | HIST30122: Global Empires | List published | 1 item added |
17/02/2025 10:40:46 | SOCIM3101: Contemporary Sociological Theory | List published | 1 item added |
17/02/2025 09:54:22 | SOCI30062: Perspectives on Power | List published | 3 items added, 1 item removed |
17/02/2025 08:26:29 | Applied Economics -- Environment | List published | 6 items added |
16/02/2025 14:08:46 | ENGL30124: Writing the Anthropocene 1945-Present | List published | 1 item added |
15/02/2025 17:20:01 | POLI29008: Power Politics and International Relations of East Asia | List published | 3 items removed |
15/02/2025 17:08:50 | POLI29008: Power Politics and International Relations of East Asia | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
15/02/2025 11:27:36 | MODL20017: Historical Linguistics | List published | 1 item added |
14/02/2025 18:34:03 | EFIM30027: Behavioural Economics | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/02/2025 17:32:10 | EFIM30027: Behavioural Economics | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/02/2025 16:18:32 | EFIM30027: Behavioural Economics | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/02/2025 16:09:28 | HIST20138: Under the Covers: Sex and Modern British Print Culture | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed, 1 section added |
14/02/2025 14:25:12 | MODL20020: Cinema and Revolution | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/02/2025 13:14:23 | FATV20034: Film and Television Research and Project Development | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/02/2025 12:52:50 | MODL20020: Cinema and Revolution | List published | 1 item added |
14/02/2025 12:51:59 | HIST26015: Political Culture and Communication in Britain, 1867-1939 | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/02/2025 12:17:28 | MODLM0073: Confronting the Modern in World Literature | List published | 31 items added |
14/02/2025 12:10:34 | MODL20020: Cinema and Revolution | List published | 2 items added |
14/02/2025 11:45:41 | HART20040: Global Modernism | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/02/2025 11:44:47 | HART20040: Global Modernism | List published | 1 item added |
14/02/2025 10:41:46 | POLI29008: Power Politics and International Relations of East Asia | List published | 1 item added |
14/02/2025 10:31:07 | ITAL20046 Renaissance Italy | List published | 2 items added |
14/02/2025 09:57:05 | ITAL20046 Renaissance Italy | List published | 1 item added |
14/02/2025 09:55:00 | FATV20034: Film and Television Research and Project Development | List published | 1 item added |
13/02/2025 17:28:43 | HART20027: Art and War (Level I Special Field) | List published | 2 items added |
13/02/2025 16:33:36 | MODLM0072: Audio description and technologies for museum accessibility | List published | 1 item added |
13/02/2025 16:31:33 | MODLM0072: Audio description and technologies for museum accessibility | List published | 1 item added |
13/02/2025 16:28:38 | MODLM0072: Audio description and technologies for museum accessibility | List published | 1 item added |
13/02/2025 16:24:47 | EFIM30061: Brands and Cultural Strategy | List published | 3 items added, 4 items removed |
13/02/2025 16:21:09 | MODLM0072: Audio description and technologies for museum accessibility | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
13/02/2025 16:20:26 | MODLM0072: Audio description and technologies for museum accessibility | List published | 3 items added, 1 section added |
13/02/2025 16:12:29 | MODLM0072: Audio description and technologies for museum accessibility | List published | 1 item added, 1 section added |
13/02/2025 14:45:36 | HISTM0100: Oceans & Globalization - 1700-1945 | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
13/02/2025 14:32:42 | PSYC20006 & PSYC30024: Continuing Psychological Research Methods; Further Psychological Research Methods | List published | 2 items added, 2 items removed |
13/02/2025 12:53:21 | SOCI20079: Investigating Society (Sociology) | List published | 4 items added |
13/02/2025 12:50:43 | POLI20019: Investigating Society (Politics) | List published | 5 items added, 1 item removed |
13/02/2025 12:05:45 | ENGL30124: Writing the Anthropocene 1945-Present | List published | 1 item added |
13/02/2025 10:56:04 | BVSc Year 1: Animal Health and the Veterinary Profession (VETS10022) | List published | 1 item added |
13/02/2025 09:33:55 | FATV20007: Hollywood Cinema History | List published | 3 items added, 2 sections added |
13/02/2025 09:14:57 | THTR20005: Politics of Performance | List published | 3 items added, 1 item removed |
13/02/2025 09:13:40 | THTR20014: Clowning Through History | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
13/02/2025 08:56:41 | SOCI20087: Art and Society | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
13/02/2025 08:16:55 | THRS20220: Japanese Religions: Practices and Beliefs | List published | 1 item added |
12/02/2025 17:00:27 | HART20040: Global Modernism | List published | 2 items added |
12/02/2025 16:51:05 | FATV20034: Film and Television Research and Project Development | List published | 1 section added |
12/02/2025 16:49:46 | FATV20034: Film and Television Research and Project Development | List published | 7 items added |
12/02/2025 15:59:51 | MGRC30009 Critical Issues in Project Management | List published | 5 items added |
12/02/2025 15:11:50 | HART30007: Approaches to the Artist (Reflective Art History) | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
12/02/2025 15:11:32 | HART30007: Approaches to the Artist (Reflective Art History) | List published | 1 item added |
12/02/2025 15:06:53 | HUMSM0009: Themes in Environmental Humanities 2024 | List published | 1 item added |
12/02/2025 14:10:21 | SOWK20002: Family Support | List published | 1 item added |
12/02/2025 14:05:47 | Copy of FREN30111: Francophone Women Directors: Documentary Filmmaking | List published | 1 item added |
12/02/2025 13:12:07 | SOWK20002: Family Support | List published | 1 item added |
12/02/2025 13:00:18 | SOWK20002: Family Support | List published | 2 items added |
12/02/2025 12:45:38 | SPOL20070: Corporate Power, Corporate Crime and Corporate Harms | List published | 2 items added |
12/02/2025 11:48:56 | ARCH30052 & ARCHM0085: Plants and People | List published | 3 items added |
12/02/2025 11:29:41 | EFIM20026: Organisation Theory | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
12/02/2025 10:29:43 | EFIMM0148: Operations and Marketing Management | List published | 6 items added, 5 items removed |
12/02/2025 10:12:06 | SOCI30105: Queering Sexuality and Gender | List published | 1 item added |
12/02/2025 10:03:09 | EFIMM0151: International Business | List published | 1 item added |
12/02/2025 10:01:15 | CLAS20066: Drama | List published | 3 items added |
12/02/2025 09:58:45 | CLAS20066: Drama | List published | 9 items added |
11/02/2025 19:14:12 | SPOL10041: Global Challenges | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
11/02/2025 16:41:08 | MODL20020: Cinema and Revolution | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
11/02/2025 16:35:30 | MODL20020: Cinema and Revolution | List published | 2 items added |
11/02/2025 16:18:15 | ENGL30124: Writing the Anthropocene 1945-Present | List published | 3 items added |
11/02/2025 15:36:26 | SPOL20070: Corporate Power, Corporate Crime and Corporate Harms | List published | 1 item added |
11/02/2025 15:35:06 | SPOL20070: Corporate Power, Corporate Crime and Corporate Harms | List published | 5 items added |
11/02/2025 14:17:17 | AFAC20003: Experiencing the Aesthetic | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
11/02/2025 13:01:05 | EFIM100022 Accounting in Context | List published | 3 items added, 1 section added |
11/02/2025 12:52:09 | MODL20020: Cinema and Revolution | List published | 4 items added, 2 items removed |
11/02/2025 12:51:26 | ENGL20023: Dangerous Books | List published | 1 item added, 1 section added |
11/02/2025 12:36:39 | Copy of SPOL30075: Disability and Society | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
11/02/2025 10:29:48 | HARTM0026: Histories, Theories and Critical Interpretations of Art: 2 | List published | 1 item added |
11/02/2025 10:26:21 | HIST20145: The Public Role of the Historian | List published | 1 item added |
11/02/2025 09:55:21 | HIST20114: The Making of Contemporary Britain | List published | 1 item added |
11/02/2025 09:48:33 | EDUC30024: Digital Cultures and Participatory Learning | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
11/02/2025 09:45:09 | PHIL30142: Political Economy | List published | 1 item added |
11/02/2025 09:06:36 | EFIM30016: Auditing | List published | 2 items added |
11/02/2025 09:01:23 | EFIM30016: Auditing | List published | 9 items added, 1 section added |
11/02/2025 08:48:20 | SOCI30105: Queering Sexuality and Gender | List published | 1 item added |
10/02/2025 22:40:02 | FATV20001: British Cinema and Television | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
10/02/2025 22:39:23 | FATV20001: British Cinema and Television | List published | 1 item removed |
10/02/2025 21:52:24 | POLI29008: Power Politics and International Relations of East Asia | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
10/02/2025 18:49:05 | MODL10010: Classics of European Cinema | List published | No items or sections added/removed |