Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Epidemiology BRMSM0015 Module
Advanced Statistics BRMSM0058 Module
Anthropology & Global Health BRMS30024 Module
Applied Health Data Science BRMSM0057 Module
Causal Inference BRMSM0088 Module
Child Health Research Project BRMS30012 Module
Clinical Element: Foot and Ankle Surgery BRMSM0021 Module
Clinical Element: Hip Surgery BRMSM0025 Module
Clinical Element: Knee Surgery BRMSM0019 Module
Clinical Element: Orthopaedic Hand Surgery BRMSM0020 Module
Clinical Element: Orthopaedic Trauma surgery BRMSM0022 Module
Clinical Element: Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery BRMSM0023 Module
Clinical Element: Spine surgery BRMSM0026 Module
Clinical Element: Upper limb (shoulder and elbow) surgery BRMSM0028 Module
Clinical epidemiology BRMSM0033 Module
Clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine BRMSM0011 Module
Clinical Placement BRMSM0030 Module
Concepts in the economics and policy of health and care BRMSM0046 Module
Concepts in the economics and policy of health and care for public health BRMSM0061 Module
Conducting and Writing Up Analyses BRMS30011 Module
Conducting Child Health Research BRMS30010 Module
Developing and Evaluating Public Health Interventions BRMSM0076 Module
Developing Child Health Research BRMS30009 Module
Dissertation BRMSM0009 Module
Dissertation BRMSM0017 Module
Dissertation (Health Economics and Health Policy Analysis) BRMSM0080 Module
Economic modelling for healthcare decision-making BRMSM0049 Module
Economics & Policy of Health & Care: global health challenges BRMSM0050 Module
Economics & Policy of Health & Care: the UK in a global setting BRMSM0048 Module
Enquiry in Healthcare Management BRMSM0062 Module
Epidemic Data Analysis and Modelling BRMSM0090 Module
Epidemic Data Analysis and Modelling BRMSM0070 Module
Essentials of Public Health and Health Improvement BRMSM0010 Module
Evaluation of Public Health Interventions (BRMS007) BRMSM0006 Module
Final year Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) BRMS30003 Module
Global Child Health BRMS30023 Module
Health Protection BRMSM0077 Module
Health protection: Environmental, chemical and radiological hazards and occupational health (BRMS006) BRMSM0005 Module
Health protection: infectious disease epidemiology and control (BRMS004) BRMSM0003 Module
Healthcare services, policy and finance (BRMS009) BRMSM0008 Module
International Students Summer Research Project BRMS10001 Module
Introduction to Epidemiology and Statistics (BRMS002) BRMSM0001 Module
Introduction to health economics for public health (BRMS008) BRMSM0007 Module
Introduction to Regression Models BRMSM0056 Module
Introduction to Renal Sciences BRMSM0031 Module
Introduction to Statistical and Epidemiological Methods BRMSM0055 Module
Machine Learning and Data Mining for Health Data Science BRMSM0060 Module
Machine Learning and Data Mining for Health Data Science BRMSM0089 Module
Molecular Epidemiology BRMSM0087 Module
Molecular Epidemiology BRMSM0037 Module
Molecular Epidemiology for Non-Communicable Diseases BRMSM0013 Module
Non-communicable Disease Epidemiology BRMSM0012 Module
Public Health in Practice (BRMS005) BRMSM0004 Module
Public Health Principles, Practice and Priorities BRMSM0078 Module
Qualitative and survey design methods for health economics and policy analysis BRMSM0051 Module
Quantitative methods for economic evaluation and health policy analysis BRMSM0047 Module
Renal Research Project BRMSM0029 Module
Research Methods BRMSM0027 Module
Research Methods (BRMS003) BRMSM0002 Module
Research Project Unit BRMSM0024 Module
Statistics for Epidemiology BRMSM0032 Module
Study Design BRMSM0014 Module
Study Design BRMSM0059 Module
Systems of the Body 1 MDYF10001 Module
Year 2 MB ChB BRMS20001 Module
Year 2 Written Paper 2 MEDI20011 Module
Year 3 MB ChB BRMS30001 Module
Year 4 MB ChB BRMS30002 Module

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