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Accredited Prior Certificated Learning at Masters Level EDUCM0023 Module
Accredited Prior Certificated Learning at Masters Level EDUCM0060 Module
Addressing Controversial Issues in Education EDUCM0036 Module
Advanced Qualitative Methods and Data Analysis in Education EDUCM5508 Module
Advanced Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences EDUCM0053 Module
Advanced Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences EDUCM0054 Module
Advanced Quantitative Modelling Techniques in Education EDUCM5509 Module
Analysing Language for TESOL EDUCM5901 Module
Approaches to Counselling in Learning EDUCM5101 Module
Assessment in School Mathematics EDUCM5302 Module
Assessment in Schools EDUCM0037 Module
Atypical Development EDUC30043 Module
Auto-Ethnography EDUCD0071 Module
Autoethnography EDUCM0009 Module
Autumn Educational and Professional Studies (Level H) EDUC35060 Module
Becoming a Reflective Practitioner (Reflective Journal/RJA) EDUC30011 Module
Becoming a Reflective Practitioner (Reflective Journal/RJA) EDUCM0028 Module
Big Ideas in Education EDUCM0069 Module
Bilingual and Multilingual Education EDUCM0085 Module
Biological Psychology and Developmental Difference EDUC20005 Module
Brain, Cognition and Education EDUCM0102 Module
Brain, Mind and Education EDUCM5404 Module
Building Powerful Knowledge EDUC30025 Module
Children Learning Mathematics - School-based Inquiry EDUCM5304 Module
Children’s and Young People’s Mental Health and Well-being in Educational Contexts EDUCM0079 Module
Climate Change and Education EDUCM0090 Module
Cognition and Learning EDUCM0042 Module
Cognition and Learning EDUCM5401 Module
Cognitive Neuroscience and Classroom Practice EDUCM0078 Module
Cognitive Psychology and Special Education EDUC20006 Module
Cognitive Theories of Autism EDUC30040 Module
Collaboration Across Professional Contexts in Special and Inclusive Education EDUCM0014 Module
Collective Biography EDUCD0085 Module
Comparative Research EDUCD0092 Module
Complex Systems: Organisational Learning and Change EDUCM5923 Module
Conducting Educational Research: Theory, Methodology and Methods EDUCD0002 Module
Contemporary Perspectives on Learning EDUCM5918 Module
Controversial Issues in Special and Inclusive Education EDUCM5601 Module
Core Skills in Educational Research EDUCM5501 Module
Counselling Learners with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs EDUCM0061 Module
Counselling Young People and Families EDUCM5912 Module
Creating Inclusive Learning Environments: The Role of the Teacher EDUC30022 Module
Creating inclusive learning environments: the role of the teacher (WA1) EDUC30019 Module
Creativity and the Curriculum EDUCM0083 Module
Current National and International Developments in Inclusive and Special Education EDUCM5602 Module
Curriculum Design and Development in School Mathematics EDUCM5303 Module
Curriculum Design for Learning EDUC20001 Module
Curriculum Practice EDUCM0073 Module
Curriculum Practice (level 6) EDUC30044 Module
Curriculum Practice (Level M) EDUCM5030 Module
Curriculum Research EDUCM0074 Module
Curriculum Research (level 6) EDUC30045 Module
Curriculum Research (Level M) EDUCM5040 Module
Debates in Psychology of Education EDUC10004 Module
Designing Technologies for Learning EDUCM0044 Module
Developing as an Educational Researcher EDUCM5919 Module
Developing Subject Knowledge EDUCM0065 Module
Developing Subject Knowledge in the 21st Century EDUCM0070 Module
Developing Thinking EDUCM5407 Module
Development Perspectives on Education Quality EDUCM5211 Module
Developmental and Educational Psychology EDUC20007 Module
Developmental Psychology EDUCM5411 Module
Developmental Psychology and individual Differences EDUCM0101 Module
Digital Cultures and Participatory Learning EDUC30024 Module
Digital Design for Mind, Brain and Education EDUCM5811 Module
Dissertation EDUCM1900 Module
Dissertation EDUCM1901 Module
Dissertation EDUCD1000 Module
Dissertation (Education Studies) EDUC30023 Module
Dissertation (MSc Science Understanding, Research and Education) EDUCM4100 Module
Dissertation (Psychology in Education) EDUC30026 Module
Dissertation (Teach First) EDUCM0033 Module
Early social learning and independent thought EDUC30039 Module
Education and International Development EDUCM0095 Module
Education and Social Change EDUC10002 Module
Education in a Time of Social and Technological Change EDUCM0064 Module
Education in Practice EDUC20012 Module
Education Policy EDUCD0068 Module
Education Policy in a Global Context EDUCM5202 Module
Education Viewed from the Global South EDUC20002 Module
Education, Climate Change and Social Justice EDUC10008 Module
Education, Inequality and Social Justice EDUCM0022 Module
Education, Peace and Sustainable Development EDUCM0055 Module
Educational and Professional Studies School Investigation EDUC30034 Module
Educational and Professional Studies SEND Investigation EDUCM0075 Module
Educational and Professional Studies SEND Investigation EDUCM0072 Module
Educational Assessment and Evaluation EDUCD0009 Module
Educational Evaluation EDUC30027 Module
Educational Interventions and their Evaluation EDUCM0076 Module
Educational Quality, Improvement and Evaluation EDUCM0006 Module
Educational Statistics EDUC30035 Module
Educational Statistics EDUC20013 Module
Educational Statistics EDUC20014 Module
EPS SEND Investigation (level 6) EDUC30046 Module
Ethical Issues in Science Education EDUCM4006 Module
Ethnography Across Educational Contexts EDUCM0007 Module
Evaluating Educational Quality and Improvement in Organisational Settings EDUCD0091 Module
Evaluation and Management of Change in Language Programmes EDUCD0098 Module
Exploring and Understanding Autism EDUC30047 Module
Exploring and Visualising Data in Education EDUCM0066 Module
Exploring Qualitative Methods EDUCM5503 Module
Future Leaders in Contexts of Change (Teach First) EDUCM0031 Module
Genetics, society and education EDUCM0081 Module
Global Higher Education EDUCD0003 Module
Globalisation and Education EDUC30032 Module
Globalisation and the Politics of English EDUCM0048 Module
Globalisation and the Politics of English in TESOL EDUCM5906 Module
How Educational Systems Can Respond to Diversity and Inclusion EDUCM0082 Module
How Schools Can Respond to Diversity and to Pupils' Special Needs EDUCM5603 Module
ICT and Society: Contexts, Policies and Practices EDUCM5803 Module
Inclusive Education and Working with Parents/Carers EDUCM5604 Module
Independent Self Study (Teach First) EDUCM0032 Module
Informal Learning in Communities EDUCM0067 Module
Inquiry Based Learning: Developing Your Learning Journey EDUCM5920 Module
Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication. EDUCM0002 Module
Interdisciplinary Studies of Science EDUCM0010 Module
International Assessment in Policy and Practice EDUC30031 Module
International Development, Comparative Research and Education EDUCM5203 Module
International Development, Comparative Research and Education EDUCM0050 Module
Interpreting Educational Data EDUC20009 Module
Introduction to Educational Inquiry EDUCM5000 Module
Introduction to Educational Inquiry EDUCM5915 Module
Introduction to Psychology in Education EDUC10005 Module
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences (GSoE) EDUCM0004 Module
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences (GSoE) EDUCM0003 Module
Issues in Neuroscience and Education EDUCM0001 Module
Knowledge, Technology and Human Interests in the 21st Century: A Collaborative Inquiry EDUCM5921 Module
Laboratory-Based Teaching and Learning EDUCM5707 Module
Language and Communications EDUCD0100 Module
Language and Literacy: From Local to Global EDUC20010 Module
Language Testing and Assessment EDUCM5907 Module
Language, Literacies and Identities EDUC30041 Module
Leading & Managing Change EDUCM0018 Module
Leading for Educational Change in Organisational Settings EDUCD0093 Module
Leading, Managing and Governing the 21st Century University EDUCD0088 Module
Learning EDUCD0094 Module
Learning and Teaching in the Global University EDUCD0102 Module
Learning and the City EDUCM0063 Module
Learning in Online Communities EDUCM0049 Module
Learning Lives EDUC10003 Module
Learning Resources in TESOL EDUCM5908 Module
Learning with New Technologies EDUCD0066 Module
Learning, Community and Identity in Digital Spaces EDUCM5809 Module
Learning, Technology and Society EDUCM0039 Module
Managing People EDUCM5916 Module
Managing People in Education EDUCM5204 Module
Mentoring and Coaching EDUCM0038 Module
Mentoring in Higher Education EDUCM5706 Module
Multivariate Statistical Methods in Education EDUCM5507 Module
Narrative and Life Story Research EDUCD0070 Module
Narrative Inquiry EDUCM0008 Module
Narrative Inquiry EDUCD0096 Module
Narrative Interviewing EDUCM0019 Module
Narrative Interviewing EDUCD0073 Module
Neuropsychology of psychological disorders across a lifespan EDUC30042 Module
New Media Representation and Digital Literacies EDUCM5810 Module
New Technologies in Mathematics Education EDUCM5306 Module
New Technologies in Science Education EDUCM4005 Module
Organisational Leadership in a Context of Change EDUCM5205 Module
Peace and Conflict Psychology EDUC30028 Module
Pedagogies for Social Justice EDUC30033 Module
Pedagogies for Social Justice EDUCM0077 Module
Pedagogy and Curriculum in TESOL EDUCM5902 Module
Philosophy and Research Design in the Social Sciences (GSoE) EDUCM0005 Module
Philosophy of Social Sciences EDUCM5506 Module
Policy and Research in Education EDUC20004 Module
Practical Counselling Skills 1 EDUCM5193 Module
Practical Counselling Skills 2 EDUCM5194 Module
Prejudice, Stereotyping and Discrimination EDUC30029 Module
Preparation for Dissertation EDUCD0089 Module
Professional Development for Early Career Teachers EDUCM0016 Module
Professional Development through Collaborative Working on an Issue in Mathematics Education EDUCM5305 Module
Professional Development through Collaborative Working on Issues in Education EDUCM5307 Module
Professional Development through Mentoring and Coaching EDUCM0017 Module
Professional Issues in Educational Counselling EDUCM5195 Module
Psychophysiological Methods in Educational Research EDUCM0035 Module
Psychophysiological Methods in Educational Research EDUCM0071 Module
Published Work (Double Unit) EDUCD0078 Module
Published Work (Single Unit) EDUCD0077 Module
Quality and Improvement in Education EDUCM5917 Module
Quality and Improvement in Education EDUCM5207 Module
Questionnaire Design and Analysis EDUCM0011 Module
Race, The State and Education EDUC30051 Module
Research Design and Data Collection in Education EDUCM5505 Module
Research in Science EDUCM4004 Module
Research Methods and ICT EDUCM5805 Module
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology (Part 1) EDUC10007 Module
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology (Part 2) EDUC10006 Module
Research Methods for Science Education EDUCM4003 Module
Research Methods for TESOL EDUCM5903 Module
Research Methods in Learning, Leadership and Policy EDUCD0090 Module
Researching Education in the City EDUC20003 Module
Researching Educational Questions EDUC10001 Module
Researching Language Classrooms EDUCD0064 Module
Researching Policy Networks in Education EDUCM0084 Module
School Subject Updating EDUCM0047 Module
Science Update EDUCM4002 Module
Second Language Learning EDUCM5904 Module
Second Language Pronunciation and Fluency (SLPF) EDUCD0001 Module
Social and Socio-cultural Psychology EDUCM5405 Module
Social Psychology EDUCM0080 Module
Social Psychology and Individual Differences EDUC20008 Module
Special Educational Needs EDUCM0057 Module
Special Educational Needs (WA3) EDUCM0027 Module
Special Independent Study (Double Unit) EDUCD0082 Module
Special Independent Study (Single Unit) EDUCD0081 Module
Spring Educational and Professional Studies (Level M) EDUCM5050 Module
Statistics in Education EDUCM5504 Module
Subject (Level H) EDUC35070 Module
Supervised Individual Study EDUCM4009 Module
Supervised Individual Study EDUCD0036 Module
Supervised Individual Study (10 credit points MEd) EDUCM5010 Module
Supervised Individual Study (10 credit points MSc) EDUCM0041 Module
Supervised Individual Study (20 credit points MEd) EDUCM5020 Module
Supervised Individual Study (20 credit points MSc) EDUCM0040 Module
Supervised Individual Study (MEd Teaching and Learning in HE) EDUCM5710 Module
Supervised Individual Study (MEd Teaching and Learning in HE) EDUCM5711 Module
Supervised Individual Study (MSc Education, Technology and Society) EDUCM5807 Module
Supervised Individual Study (TESOL) EDUCM5911 Module
Teaching and Assessing Fluency and Pronunciation EDUCM0029 Module
Teaching and Learning in Mathematics EDUCM5301 Module
Teaching and Learning with ICT EDUCM5801 Module
Teaching and Learning with Technology EDUCM0043 Module
Teaching Practice (Level H) EDUC35080 Module
Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Science EDUCM4000 Module
Testing and Assessment in Language Learning EDUCD0099 Module
The Dynamics of Global Higher Education EDUCM0068 Module
The Psychology of Individual Differences. EDUCM5410 Module
The Psychology of Social Differences and Educational Attainment EDUC30030 Module
The Teacher as Leader EDUC30021 Module
The Teacher as Leader (WA4) EDUC30020 Module
Theories of Learning and Teaching EDUCM0056 Module
Theories of Learning and Teaching (WA2) EDUCM0026 Module
Theory and Practice of Mentoring in Science Education EDUCM4007 Module
Transformational Change: Learning power, theory and practice EDUCM5922 Module
Trends in Science Education Research EDUCM4001 Module
Understanding Educational Research EDUCD0011 Module
Understanding Educational Research EDUCM5502 Module
Using Technology for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education EDUCM0024 Module
Visual Inquiry EDUCD0101 Module
Visual Inquiry EDUCM0012 Module
Widening Access and Participation EDUCM5708 Module
Working Together: Professional Collaboration for Inclusive Education EDUCM0059 Module
Working with Parents and Carers for Inclusive Education EDUCM0062 Module
Writing as Inquiry EDUCM0021 Module
Writing as Inquiry EDUCD0097 Module
Year abroad EDUC20015 Module

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