Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
Accredited Prior Certificated Learning at Masters Level |
EDUCM0023 |
Module |
Accredited Prior Certificated Learning at Masters Level |
EDUCM0060 |
Module |
Addressing Controversial Issues in Education |
EDUCM0036 |
Module |
Advanced Qualitative Methods and Data Analysis in Education |
EDUCM5508 |
Module |
Advanced Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences |
EDUCM0053 |
Module |
Advanced Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences |
EDUCM0054 |
Module |
Advanced Quantitative Modelling Techniques in Education |
EDUCM5509 |
Module |
Analysing Language for TESOL |
EDUCM5901 |
Module |
Approaches to Counselling in Learning |
EDUCM5101 |
Module |
Assessment in School Mathematics |
EDUCM5302 |
Module |
Assessment in Schools |
EDUCM0037 |
Module |
Atypical Development |
EDUC30043 |
Module |
Auto-Ethnography |
EDUCD0071 |
Module |
Autoethnography |
EDUCM0009 |
Module |
Autumn Educational and Professional Studies (Level H) |
EDUC35060 |
Module |
Becoming a Reflective Practitioner (Reflective Journal/RJA) |
EDUC30011 |
Module |
Becoming a Reflective Practitioner (Reflective Journal/RJA) |
EDUCM0028 |
Module |
Big Ideas in Education |
EDUCM0069 |
Module |
Bilingual and Multilingual Education |
EDUCM0085 |
Module |
Biological Psychology and Developmental Difference |
EDUC20005 |
Module |
Brain, Cognition and Education |
EDUCM0102 |
Module |
Brain, Mind and Education |
EDUCM5404 |
Module |
Building Powerful Knowledge |
EDUC30025 |
Module |
Children Learning Mathematics - School-based Inquiry |
EDUCM5304 |
Module |
Children’s and Young People’s Mental Health and Well-being in Educational Contexts |
EDUCM0079 |
Module |
Climate Change and Education |
EDUCM0090 |
Module |
Cognition and Learning |
EDUCM0042 |
Module |
Cognition and Learning |
EDUCM5401 |
Module |
Cognitive Neuroscience and Classroom Practice |
EDUCM0078 |
Module |
Cognitive Psychology and Special Education |
EDUC20006 |
Module |
Cognitive Theories of Autism |
EDUC30040 |
Module |
Collaboration Across Professional Contexts in Special and Inclusive Education |
EDUCM0014 |
Module |
Collective Biography |
EDUCD0085 |
Module |
Comparative Research |
EDUCD0092 |
Module |
Complex Systems: Organisational Learning and Change |
EDUCM5923 |
Module |
Conducting Educational Research: Theory, Methodology and Methods |
EDUCD0002 |
Module |
Contemporary Perspectives on Learning |
EDUCM5918 |
Module |
Controversial Issues in Special and Inclusive Education |
EDUCM5601 |
Module |
Core Skills in Educational Research |
EDUCM5501 |
Module |
Counselling Learners with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs |
EDUCM0061 |
Module |
Counselling Young People and Families |
EDUCM5912 |
Module |
Creating Inclusive Learning Environments: The Role of the Teacher |
EDUC30022 |
Module |
Creating inclusive learning environments: the role of the teacher (WA1) |
EDUC30019 |
Module |
Creativity and the Curriculum |
EDUCM0083 |
Module |
Current National and International Developments in Inclusive and Special Education |
EDUCM5602 |
Module |
Curriculum Design and Development in School Mathematics |
EDUCM5303 |
Module |
Curriculum Design for Learning |
EDUC20001 |
Module |
Curriculum Practice |
EDUCM0073 |
Module |
Curriculum Practice (level 6) |
EDUC30044 |
Module |
Curriculum Practice (Level M) |
EDUCM5030 |
Module |
Curriculum Research |
EDUCM0074 |
Module |
Curriculum Research (level 6) |
EDUC30045 |
Module |
Curriculum Research (Level M) |
EDUCM5040 |
Module |
Debates in Psychology of Education |
EDUC10004 |
Module |
Designing Technologies for Learning |
EDUCM0044 |
Module |
Developing as an Educational Researcher |
EDUCM5919 |
Module |
Developing Subject Knowledge |
EDUCM0065 |
Module |
Developing Subject Knowledge in the 21st Century |
EDUCM0070 |
Module |
Developing Thinking |
EDUCM5407 |
Module |
Development Perspectives on Education Quality |
EDUCM5211 |
Module |
Developmental and Educational Psychology |
EDUC20007 |
Module |
Developmental Psychology |
EDUCM5411 |
Module |
Developmental Psychology and individual Differences |
EDUCM0101 |
Module |
Digital Cultures and Participatory Learning |
EDUC30024 |
Module |
Digital Design for Mind, Brain and Education |
EDUCM5811 |
Module |
Dissertation |
EDUCM1900 |
Module |
Dissertation |
EDUCM1901 |
Module |
Dissertation |
EDUCD1000 |
Module |
Dissertation (Education Studies) |
EDUC30023 |
Module |
Dissertation (MSc Science Understanding, Research and Education) |
EDUCM4100 |
Module |
Dissertation (Psychology in Education) |
EDUC30026 |
Module |
Dissertation (Teach First) |
EDUCM0033 |
Module |
Early social learning and independent thought |
EDUC30039 |
Module |
Education and International Development |
EDUCM0095 |
Module |
Education and Social Change |
EDUC10002 |
Module |
Education in a Time of Social and Technological Change |
EDUCM0064 |
Module |
Education in Practice |
EDUC20012 |
Module |
Education Policy |
EDUCD0068 |
Module |
Education Policy in a Global Context |
EDUCM5202 |
Module |
Education Viewed from the Global South |
EDUC20002 |
Module |
Education, Climate Change and Social Justice |
EDUC10008 |
Module |
Education, Inequality and Social Justice |
EDUCM0022 |
Module |
Education, Peace and Sustainable Development |
EDUCM0055 |
Module |
Educational and Professional Studies School Investigation |
EDUC30034 |
Module |
Educational and Professional Studies SEND Investigation |
EDUCM0075 |
Module |
Educational and Professional Studies SEND Investigation |
EDUCM0072 |
Module |
Educational Assessment and Evaluation |
EDUCD0009 |
Module |
Educational Evaluation |
EDUC30027 |
Module |
Educational Interventions and their Evaluation |
EDUCM0076 |
Module |
Educational Quality, Improvement and Evaluation |
EDUCM0006 |
Module |
Educational Statistics |
EDUC30035 |
Module |
Educational Statistics |
EDUC20013 |
Module |
Educational Statistics |
EDUC20014 |
Module |
EPS SEND Investigation (level 6) |
EDUC30046 |
Module |
Ethical Issues in Science Education |
EDUCM4006 |
Module |
Ethnography Across Educational Contexts |
EDUCM0007 |
Module |
Evaluating Educational Quality and Improvement in Organisational Settings |
EDUCD0091 |
Module |
Evaluation and Management of Change in Language Programmes |
EDUCD0098 |
Module |
Exploring and Understanding Autism |
EDUC30047 |
Module |
Exploring and Visualising Data in Education |
EDUCM0066 |
Module |
Exploring Qualitative Methods |
EDUCM5503 |
Module |
Future Leaders in Contexts of Change (Teach First) |
EDUCM0031 |
Module |
Genetics, society and education |
EDUCM0081 |
Module |
Global Higher Education |
EDUCD0003 |
Module |
Globalisation and Education |
EDUC30032 |
Module |
Globalisation and the Politics of English |
EDUCM0048 |
Module |
Globalisation and the Politics of English in TESOL |
EDUCM5906 |
Module |
How Educational Systems Can Respond to Diversity and Inclusion |
EDUCM0082 |
Module |
How Schools Can Respond to Diversity and to Pupils' Special Needs |
EDUCM5603 |
Module |
ICT and Society: Contexts, Policies and Practices |
EDUCM5803 |
Module |
Inclusive Education and Working with Parents/Carers |
EDUCM5604 |
Module |
Independent Self Study (Teach First) |
EDUCM0032 |
Module |
Informal Learning in Communities |
EDUCM0067 |
Module |
Inquiry Based Learning: Developing Your Learning Journey |
EDUCM5920 |
Module |
Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication. |
EDUCM0002 |
Module |
Interdisciplinary Studies of Science |
EDUCM0010 |
Module |
International Assessment in Policy and Practice |
EDUC30031 |
Module |
International Development, Comparative Research and Education |
EDUCM5203 |
Module |
International Development, Comparative Research and Education |
EDUCM0050 |
Module |
Interpreting Educational Data |
EDUC20009 |
Module |
Introduction to Educational Inquiry |
EDUCM5000 |
Module |
Introduction to Educational Inquiry |
EDUCM5915 |
Module |
Introduction to Psychology in Education |
EDUC10005 |
Module |
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences (GSoE) |
EDUCM0004 |
Module |
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences (GSoE) |
EDUCM0003 |
Module |
Issues in Neuroscience and Education |
EDUCM0001 |
Module |
Knowledge, Technology and Human Interests in the 21st Century: A Collaborative Inquiry |
EDUCM5921 |
Module |
Laboratory-Based Teaching and Learning |
EDUCM5707 |
Module |
Language and Communications |
EDUCD0100 |
Module |
Language and Literacy: From Local to Global |
EDUC20010 |
Module |
Language Testing and Assessment |
EDUCM5907 |
Module |
Language, Literacies and Identities |
EDUC30041 |
Module |
Leading & Managing Change |
EDUCM0018 |
Module |
Leading for Educational Change in Organisational Settings |
EDUCD0093 |
Module |
Leading, Managing and Governing the 21st Century University |
EDUCD0088 |
Module |
Learning |
EDUCD0094 |
Module |
Learning and Teaching in the Global University |
EDUCD0102 |
Module |
Learning and the City |
EDUCM0063 |
Module |
Learning in Online Communities |
EDUCM0049 |
Module |
Learning Lives |
EDUC10003 |
Module |
Learning Resources in TESOL |
EDUCM5908 |
Module |
Learning with New Technologies |
EDUCD0066 |
Module |
Learning, Community and Identity in Digital Spaces |
EDUCM5809 |
Module |
Learning, Technology and Society |
EDUCM0039 |
Module |
Managing People |
EDUCM5916 |
Module |
Managing People in Education |
EDUCM5204 |
Module |
Mentoring and Coaching |
EDUCM0038 |
Module |
Mentoring in Higher Education |
EDUCM5706 |
Module |
Multivariate Statistical Methods in Education |
EDUCM5507 |
Module |
Narrative and Life Story Research |
EDUCD0070 |
Module |
Narrative Inquiry |
EDUCM0008 |
Module |
Narrative Inquiry |
EDUCD0096 |
Module |
Narrative Interviewing |
EDUCM0019 |
Module |
Narrative Interviewing |
EDUCD0073 |
Module |
Neuropsychology of psychological disorders across a lifespan |
EDUC30042 |
Module |
New Media Representation and Digital Literacies |
EDUCM5810 |
Module |
New Technologies in Mathematics Education |
EDUCM5306 |
Module |
New Technologies in Science Education |
EDUCM4005 |
Module |
Organisational Leadership in a Context of Change |
EDUCM5205 |
Module |
Peace and Conflict Psychology |
EDUC30028 |
Module |
Pedagogies for Social Justice |
EDUC30033 |
Module |
Pedagogies for Social Justice |
EDUCM0077 |
Module |
Pedagogy and Curriculum in TESOL |
EDUCM5902 |
Module |
Philosophy and Research Design in the Social Sciences (GSoE) |
EDUCM0005 |
Module |
Philosophy of Social Sciences |
EDUCM5506 |
Module |
Policy and Research in Education |
EDUC20004 |
Module |
Practical Counselling Skills 1 |
EDUCM5193 |
Module |
Practical Counselling Skills 2 |
EDUCM5194 |
Module |
Prejudice, Stereotyping and Discrimination |
EDUC30029 |
Module |
Preparation for Dissertation |
EDUCD0089 |
Module |
Professional Development for Early Career Teachers |
EDUCM0016 |
Module |
Professional Development through Collaborative Working on an Issue in Mathematics Education |
EDUCM5305 |
Module |
Professional Development through Collaborative Working on Issues in Education |
EDUCM5307 |
Module |
Professional Development through Mentoring and Coaching |
EDUCM0017 |
Module |
Professional Issues in Educational Counselling |
EDUCM5195 |
Module |
Psychophysiological Methods in Educational Research |
EDUCM0035 |
Module |
Psychophysiological Methods in Educational Research |
EDUCM0071 |
Module |
Published Work (Double Unit) |
EDUCD0078 |
Module |
Published Work (Single Unit) |
EDUCD0077 |
Module |
Quality and Improvement in Education |
EDUCM5917 |
Module |
Quality and Improvement in Education |
EDUCM5207 |
Module |
Questionnaire Design and Analysis |
EDUCM0011 |
Module |
Race, The State and Education |
EDUC30051 |
Module |
Research Design and Data Collection in Education |
EDUCM5505 |
Module |
Research in Science |
EDUCM4004 |
Module |
Research Methods and ICT |
EDUCM5805 |
Module |
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology (Part 1) |
EDUC10007 |
Module |
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology (Part 2) |
EDUC10006 |
Module |
Research Methods for Science Education |
EDUCM4003 |
Module |
Research Methods for TESOL |
EDUCM5903 |
Module |
Research Methods in Learning, Leadership and Policy |
EDUCD0090 |
Module |
Researching Education in the City |
EDUC20003 |
Module |
Researching Educational Questions |
EDUC10001 |
Module |
Researching Language Classrooms |
EDUCD0064 |
Module |
Researching Policy Networks in Education |
EDUCM0084 |
Module |
School Subject Updating |
EDUCM0047 |
Module |
Science Update |
EDUCM4002 |
Module |
Second Language Learning |
EDUCM5904 |
Module |
Second Language Pronunciation and Fluency (SLPF) |
EDUCD0001 |
Module |
Social and Socio-cultural Psychology |
EDUCM5405 |
Module |
Social Psychology |
EDUCM0080 |
Module |
Social Psychology and Individual Differences |
EDUC20008 |
Module |
Special Educational Needs |
EDUCM0057 |
Module |
Special Educational Needs (WA3) |
EDUCM0027 |
Module |
Special Independent Study (Double Unit) |
EDUCD0082 |
Module |
Special Independent Study (Single Unit) |
EDUCD0081 |
Module |
Spring Educational and Professional Studies (Level M) |
EDUCM5050 |
Module |
Statistics in Education |
EDUCM5504 |
Module |
Subject (Level H) |
EDUC35070 |
Module |
Supervised Individual Study |
EDUCM4009 |
Module |
Supervised Individual Study |
EDUCD0036 |
Module |
Supervised Individual Study (10 credit points MEd) |
EDUCM5010 |
Module |
Supervised Individual Study (10 credit points MSc) |
EDUCM0041 |
Module |
Supervised Individual Study (20 credit points MEd) |
EDUCM5020 |
Module |
Supervised Individual Study (20 credit points MSc) |
EDUCM0040 |
Module |
Supervised Individual Study (MEd Teaching and Learning in HE) |
EDUCM5710 |
Module |
Supervised Individual Study (MEd Teaching and Learning in HE) |
EDUCM5711 |
Module |
Supervised Individual Study (MSc Education, Technology and Society) |
EDUCM5807 |
Module |
Supervised Individual Study (TESOL) |
EDUCM5911 |
Module |
Teaching and Assessing Fluency and Pronunciation |
EDUCM0029 |
Module |
Teaching and Learning in Mathematics |
EDUCM5301 |
Module |
Teaching and Learning with ICT |
EDUCM5801 |
Module |
Teaching and Learning with Technology |
EDUCM0043 |
Module |
Teaching Practice (Level H) |
EDUC35080 |
Module |
Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Science |
EDUCM4000 |
Module |
Testing and Assessment in Language Learning |
EDUCD0099 |
Module |
The Dynamics of Global Higher Education |
EDUCM0068 |
Module |
The Psychology of Individual Differences. |
EDUCM5410 |
Module |
The Psychology of Social Differences and Educational Attainment |
EDUC30030 |
Module |
The Teacher as Leader |
EDUC30021 |
Module |
The Teacher as Leader (WA4) |
EDUC30020 |
Module |
Theories of Learning and Teaching |
EDUCM0056 |
Module |
Theories of Learning and Teaching (WA2) |
EDUCM0026 |
Module |
Theory and Practice of Mentoring in Science Education |
EDUCM4007 |
Module |
Transformational Change: Learning power, theory and practice |
EDUCM5922 |
Module |
Trends in Science Education Research |
EDUCM4001 |
Module |
Understanding Educational Research |
EDUCD0011 |
Module |
Understanding Educational Research |
EDUCM5502 |
Module |
Using Technology for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education |
EDUCM0024 |
Module |
Visual Inquiry |
EDUCD0101 |
Module |
Visual Inquiry |
EDUCM0012 |
Module |
Widening Access and Participation |
EDUCM5708 |
Module |
Working Together: Professional Collaboration for Inclusive Education |
EDUCM0059 |
Module |
Working with Parents and Carers for Inclusive Education |
EDUCM0062 |
Module |
Writing as Inquiry |
EDUCM0021 |
Module |
Writing as Inquiry |
EDUCD0097 |
Module |
Year abroad |
EDUC20015 |
Module |