Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Company Law LAWD30118 Module
Advanced Family Law LAWD30002 Module
Advanced Intellectual Property LAWD30006 Module
Advanced Intellectual Property Law LAWDM0165 Module
Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Design LAWDM0107 Module
Advanced Legal and Socio-Legal Research Methods LAWDM0084 Module
Advanced Obligations LAWD20048 Module
Advanced Tort LAWD20042 Module
African Human Rights System LAWDM0135 Module
Bank Regulation and Governance LAWDM0142 Module
Banking Conduct and Law LAWDM0144 Module
Banking Law LAWD30090 Module
Banking Law LAWDM0005 Module
British Immigration, Nationality, and Citizenship Law LAWD20045 Module
Carriage of Goods LAWDM0006 Module
Clinical Legal Studies LAWD30005 Module
Collective Labour Law LAWDM0149 Module
Commercial Conflict of Laws LAWD30136 Module
Commercial Law LAWD30028 Module
Company Law LAWD20037 Module
Company Law LAWDM0008 Module
Comparative Equality and Discrimination Law: Theory and Practice LAWDM0151 Module
Comparative Law LAWD20001 Module
Comparative Public Law LAWD30067 Module
Competition Law of the European Union LAWDM0009 Module
Constitutional and Substantive EU Law LAWDM0088 Module
Constitutional Rights LAWD10013 Module
Contemporary Debates in Environment, Energy and Resilience LAWDM0108 Module
Contemporary Debates in Sustainability LAWDM0128 Module
Corporate Governance in the United Kingdom and United States LAWDM0069 Module
Corporate Law Simulation LAWD30112 Module
Credit, Security and Insolvency LAWDM0011 Module
Crime, Justice and Society LAWD20034 Module
Criminal Justice System: Law, Policy and Practice LAWD20051 Module
Criminal Law LAWD10014 Module
Criminal Law and Criminal Justice LAWDM0086 Module
Criminality at Work LAWDM0148 Module
Criminology LAWD30100 Module
Digital Markets, Competition and Regulation LAWDM0163 Module
Dissertation LAWDM1001 Module
Economic Analysis of Law LAWD20044 Module
Employment Law LAWD30113 Module
Environmental Law LAWDM0013 Module
Environmental Law LAWD30123 Module
Equality and Discrimination Law: Theory and Practice LAWD30130 Module
EU Trade Law LAWDM1003 Module
European Contract Law LAWDM0097 Module
European Human Rights Law LAWD20040 Module
European Human Rights Law LAWDM0120 Module
Evidence LAWD20038 Module
Family Law LAWD20036 Module
Family Law 2: Child Law LAWD30131 Module
Final Year Research Project LAWD30091 Module
Foundations of Business Law LAWD10007 Module
General Principles of International Law LAWDM0026 Module
General Principles of International Law LAWD20041 Module
Global Perspectives on Corporate Governance LAWDM0117 Module
Health Inequalities, Law, and Society LAWDM0130 Module
Health Law and the Body LAWDM0133 Module
Housing Law and Policy LAWD30111 Module
Human Rights in Law, Politics and Society LAWD30125 Module
Human Rights in Law, Politics and Society LAWDM0089 Module
Individual Employment Rights LAWDM0021 Module
Information Technology Law LAWDM0070 Module
Information Technology Law LAWD30003 Module
Insolvency Law LAWDM0118 Module
Insolvency Law LAWD30104 Module
Insurance Law LAWDM0156 Module
Intellectual Property LAWD30014 Module
Intellectual Property LAWDM0022 Module
International Child Law LAWD30124 Module
International Commercial Arbitration LAWDM1005 Module
International Commercial Litigation LAWDM1004 Module
International Corporate Finance LAWDM0116 Module
International Criminal Law LAWDM0129 Module
International Dispute Settlement LAWDM0025 Module
International Dispute Settlement LAWD30117 Module
International Economic Law and Institutions LAWDM0141 Module
International Intellectual Property Law and Human Rights LAWD30114 Module
International Investment Law LAWDM0152 Module
International Law and Human Rights LAWDM0123 Module
International Law and the Use of Force LAWDM0111 Module
International Law of Labour and Social Rights LAWDM0136 Module
International Law of the Sea LAWDM0028 Module
International Law of Trade and Aid LAWDM0053 Module
International Law VI: International Law and Human Rights LAWDM0020 Module
International Public Contract Law LAWDM0121 Module
International Sale of Goods LAWDM0030 Module
International Sale of Goods LAWDM0143 Module
International Trade and Investment Law LAWDM0159 Module
Introduction to Intellectual Property LAWD20043 Module
Introduction to Law LAWD10016 Module
Introduction to Law (Erasmus) LAWD10017 Module
Issues in Corporate Governance LAWD30001 Module
Jewish Law LAWD30010 Module
Jurisprudence LAWD20004 Module
Land Law LAWD20002 Module
Land Law LAWDM0075 Module
Law and Globalisation LAWD30116 Module
Law and Governance for Mental and Social Well-Being LAWDM0132 Module
Law and Government LAWD30105 Module
Law and Markets LAWDM0182 Module
Law and Policy of the European Union I LAWD20023 Module
Law and Policy of the European Union II LAWD30079 Module
Law and Race LAWD30135 Module
Law and State LAWD10012 Module
Law Gender and Sexuality LAWDM0033 Module
Law in Action LAWD10018 Module
Law of Contract LAWDM0061 Module
Law of Contract LAWD10008 Module
Law of E-Commerce LAWDM0079 Module
Law of Personal Property and Trusts LAWDM0074 Module
Law of Tort LAWDM0062 Module
Law of Tort LAWD10011 Module
Law, Governance and Health LAWDM0134 Module
LAWDM0164: Digital Technology in Legal Practice LAWDM0164 Module
Legal History LAWD30106 Module
Legal Perspectives on Sustainability LAWDM0127 Module
Maritime Security LAWDM0126 Module
Medical Law LAWD20039 Module
Medicine and Law LAWD30004 Module
Migration and Labour Exploitation in the Global Economy LAWDM0160 Module
Migration and Work LAWDM0124 Module
Migration Law and Policy - International, European, and Human Rights Dimensions LAWDM0112 Module
Migration, Work and Labour Exploitation LAWDM0153 Module
Philosophical Foundations of Labour and Employment Law LAWDM0150 Module
Policing and Police Regulation LAWD30119 Module
Privacy Law: Theory & Practice LAWD30115 Module
Privacy Law: Theory and Practice LAWDM0092 Module
Public and Global Health Law LAWDM0131 Module
Public Contract Law LAWDM0114 Module
Public Law LAWDM0059 Module
Regulation of Financial Markets and Institutions LAWDM0017 Module
Regulation of Financial Markets and Institutions LAWD39005 Module
Reproduction Law, Ethics, and Policy LAWD30068 Module
Research Project LAWDM0106 Module
Rich Law, Poor Law LAWD30017 Module
Roman Law LAWD20046 Module
Secured Transactions Law LAWDM0119 Module
Sex, Gender and Law LAWD30110 Module
Social and Legal Theory LAWDM0083 Module
Socio-legal Research Methods LAWDM1007 Module
Socio-Legal Studies LAWD30122 Module
Supervised Individual Study LAWDM0122 Module
Supervised Individual Study (Socio-legal Studies) LAWDM0109 Module
Sustainable Development UNIV10001 Module
The Law and Policy of Mergers and Acquisitions LAWDM0125 Module
Transnational Arbitration LAWD30128 Module
Transnational Business Litigation LAWD30129 Module
Trusts LAWD30120 Module
Trusts LAWDM0140 Module
World Trade Law LAWDM0115 Module
Year Abroad (European Legal Studies) LAWD39001 Module
Year Abroad (Law and French) LAWD39002 Module
Year Abroad (Law and German) LAWD39003 Module
Year Abroad (Law and Spanish) LAWD30088 Module
Year Abroad (Study Abroad Programme) LAWD39004 Module

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