Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Fluid Dynamics MATHM0600 Module
Advanced Quantum Theory MATHM0013 Module
Advanced Time Series MATHM6003 Module
Advanced Topics in Analysis MATHM0020 Module
Algebra 2 MATH21800 Module
Algebraic Geometry MATHM0036 Module
Algebraic Number Theory 3 MATH36205 Module
Algebraic Number Theory 4 MATHM6205 Module
Algebraic Topology MATHM1200 Module
Analysis MATH10011 Module
Analysis 1 MATH11006 Module
Analysis 1A MATH10003 Module
Analysis 1B MATH10006 Module
Analytic Number Theory MATHM0007 Module
Anomaly Detection MATHM0030 Module
Applied dynamical systems MATHM0010 Module
Applied Partial Differential Equations 2 MATH20402 Module
Applied Probability 2 MATH21400 Module
Asymptotics MATHM4700 Module
Axiomatic Set Theory MATHM1300 Module
Bayesian Modelling MATH30015 Module
Bayesian Modelling A MATH34910 Module
Bayesian Modelling B MATHM4920 Module
Bayesian Modelling B MATH34920 Module
Bayesian Modelling B 34 MATHM0024 Module
BootCamp MATHM0043 Module
Brownian Motion MATHM0026 Module
Calculus 1 MATH11007 Module
Calculus 2 MATH20900 Module
Calculus of Variations MATH30005 Module
Calculus of Variations MATHM0015 Module
Combinatorics MATH20002 Module
Communication, Careers & Enterprise in Mathematics MATH20005 Module
Complex Function Theory MATH33000 Module
Complex Function Theory (34) MATHM3000 Module
Complex Networks MATH36201 Module
Complex Networks 4 MATHM6201 Module
Computational Mathematics MATH12001 Module
Computational Mathematics MATH20011 Module
Cybersecurity Project MATHM0027 Module
Cybersecurity Project Preparation MATHM0031 Module
Data Science Toolbox MATHM0029 Module
Differentiable Manifolds MATH32900 Module
Differentiable Manifolds 4 MATHM2900 Module
Dissertation (MRes in Statistics) MATHM6100 Module
Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory 3 MATH36206 Module
Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory 4 MATHM6206 Module
Evolutionary Game Theory 3 MATH30050 Module
Evolutionary Game Theory 4 MATHM0050 Module
Experimental Design MATH35120 Module
Fields, Forms and Flows MATHM0033 Module
Fields, Forms and Flows MATH30018 Module
Financial Mathematics MATH35400 Module
Financial Mathematics 34 MATHM5400 Module
Financial Risk Management MATH30014 Module
Financial Time Series MATHM0025 Module
Fluid Dynamics 3 MATH33200 Module
Foundations & Proof MATH10004 Module
Functional Analysis 3 MATH36202 Module
Functional Analysis 34 MATHM6202 Module
Further Foundation Mathematics MATH10007 Module
Further Foundations of Mathematics MATH00001 Module
Further Topics In Probability 3 MATH30006 Module
Further Topics In Probability 4 MATHM0018 Module
Galois Theory MATHM2700 Module
Generalised Linear Models MATH35200 Module
Generalised Linear Models 34 MATHM5200 Module
Geometry of Manifolds MATHM0037 Module
Graphical Models MATHM6002 Module
Group Project Unit MATHM0021 Module
Group Project Unit MATH30009 Module
Group Theory MATH33300 Module
Information Theory 3 MATH34600 Module
International Mentoring MATH30023 Module
Intoduction To Stochastic Analysis MATHM0017 Module
Introduction to Geometry MATH20004 Module
Introduction to Group Theory MATH10005 Module
Introduction to Mathematical Cybersecurity MATHM0028 Module
Introduction to Proofs and Group Theory MATH10010 Module
Introduction to Queueing Networks MATH35800 Module
Introduction to Queuing Networks 34 MATHM5800 Module
Introduction to Stochastic Analysis MATHM0032 Module
Introductory Foundation Mathematics MATH10008 Module
Introductory Foundations of Mathematics MATH00002 Module
Lie groups, Lie algebras and their representations MATHM0012 Module
Linear Algebra MATH10015 Module
Linear Algebra 2 MATH21100 Module
Linear Algebra and Geometry MATH11005 Module
Linear and Generalised Linear Models MATH30013 Module
Linear Models MATH35110 Module
Literature Review MATHM6300 Module
Logic MATH30100 Module
Martingale Theory with Applications 3 MATH36204 Module
Martingale Theory with Applications 3 MATH30027 Module
Martingale Theory with Applications 4 MATHM6204 Module
Martingale Theory with Applications 4 MATHM0045 Module
Mathematical Investigations MATH10009 Module
Mathematical Methods MATH30800 Module
Mathematical Programming MATH20014 Module
Mathematics 1A20 MATH11004 Module
Mathematics 1EM MATH10600 Module
Mathematics 1FM MATH10520 Module
Mathematics in Schools MATH35900 Module
Mathematics in Schools MATH30020 Module
Measure Theory and Integration MATH30007 Module
Mechanics 1 MATH11009 Module
Mechanics 2 MATH21900 Module
Mechanics 23 MATH31910 Module
Methods of Complex Functions MATH20001 Module
Metric Spaces MATH20006 Module
Mini-projects MATHM0042 Module
Modern Mathematical Biology MATHM0014 Module
Modern Mathematical Biology MATH30004 Module
Monte Carlo Methods MATHM6001 Module
Multivariable Calculus MATH20901 Module
Multivariable Calculus and Complex Functions MATH20015 Module
Multivariate Analysis MATH30510 Module
Multivariate Analysis 34 MATHM0510 Module
Nonparametric Regression MATHM6004 Module
Number Theory MATH30200 Module
Numerical Analysis 2 MATH20700 Module
Numerical Analysis 23 MATH30010 Module
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations MATHM0011 Module
ODEs, Curves and Dynamics MATH10012 Module
Optimisation MATH30017 Module
Optimisation 2 MATH20600 Module
Ordinary Differential Equations 2 MATH20101 Module
Perspectives in Mathematics MATH20009 Module
Perspectives in Mathematics MATH30024 Module
Probability 1 MATH11300 Module
Probability 2 MATH20008 Module
Probability and Statistics MATH10013 Module
Project MATH32201 Module
Project MATHM2200 Module
Project MATHM2204 Module
Project MATHM2203 Module
Project MATH32206 Module
Project 1 MATH32200 Module
Quantum Chaos MATHM5700 Module
Quantum Computation MATHM0023 Module
Quantum Information Theory MATHM5610 Module
Quantum Mechanics MATH35500 Module
Random Matrix Theory MATH30016 Module
Random Theory Matrix MATH33700 Module
Representation Theory MATHM4600 Module
Research Project MATHM6301 Module
Set Theory MATH32000 Module
Statistical Asymptotics MATHM6010 Module
Statistical Computing MATHM6007 Module
Statistical Computing 1 MATHM0039 Module
Statistical Computing 2 MATHM0040 Module
Statistical Inference MATHM6009 Module
Statistical Mechanics MATH34300 Module
Statistical Mechanics 34 MATHM4500 Module
Statistical Methods 1 MATHM0041 Module
Statistical Methods 2 MATHM0038 Module
Statistical Modelling MATHM6008 Module
Statistics 1 MATH11400 Module
Statistics 2 MATH20800 Module
Stochastic Optimisation MATHM0044 Module
Stochastic Optimisation MATH30021 Module
Stochastic Optimisation MATHM6005 Module
Stochastic Processes MATHM6006 Module
Study Abroad MATH30012 Module
Study in Continental Europe MATH30011 Module
Study in Continental Europe MATH20007 Module
Surfaces and Vector Fields MATH20010 Module
Theory of Inference MATH35600 Module
Theory of Inference MATH35610 Module
Theory of Inference 34 MATHM0022 Module
Theory of Inference 4 MATHM0019 Module
Time Series Analysis MATH33800 Module
Topics in Discrete Mathematics 3 MATH30002 Module
Topics in Discrete Mathematics 34 MATHM0009 Module
Topics in Modern Geometry 3 MATH30001 Module
Topics in Modern Geometry 34 MATHM0008 Module
Year Abroad MATH30003 Module
Year Abroad MATH20003 Module

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