Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Adult CPB principles and practice SOCSM0018 Module
Anatomy and physiology of organs affected by CPB SOCSM0020 Module
Aneurysm, Peripheral Vein Disease & Stroke SOCSM0007 Module
Biomaterials and their Use in the Skeletal System CSSBM0002 Module
Cardiovascular Disease SOCSM0013 Module
Cell Signalling CSSBM1015 Module
Cell Signalling MEDIM0013 Module
Clinical research methods in chronic disease SOCS30001 Module
Clinical Trials & Statistics SOCSM0002 Module
Clinical Trials and Statistics SOCSM0017 Module
Coronary Artery Disease SOCSM0019 Module
Coronary Artery Disease I SOCSM0003 Module
Coronary Artery Disease II SOCSM0004 Module
Digital Health Case Studies SOCSM0021 Module
Diseases of the nervous system SOCS30004 Module
Foundations of Neuroscience MEDIM7001 Module
Gene Expression in the Brain MEDIM7003 Module
General Laboratory Techniques SOCSM0008 Module
Heart and Valve Disease SOCSM0012 Module
Heart and Valve Disease SOCSM0005 Module
Human Development and Pregnancy MEDIM0012 Module
Infertility- Diagnosis & Management SOCSM0009 Module
Integrative Molecular Neuroscience MEDIM7006 Module
Introduction to Research in Health Sciences SOCS30006 Module
Introduction to Stem Cells and Regeneration CSSBM1011 Module
Laboratory Research Methods SOCS30002 Module
Molecular basis of disease SOCS30003 Module
Molecular Tools in Stem Cells and Regeneration CSSBM1013 Module
Neuro-Degeneration and Opthalamic Disorders CSSBM1012 Module
Neurodegeneration: Symptoms, molecular mechanisms and therapies MEDIM0014 Module
Neuroendocrinology MEDIM7004 Module
Paediatric Heart Disease SOCSM0006 Module
Paediatric perfusion and circulatory support SOCSM0014 Module
Peripheral Neuropathy and Spine CSSBM1014 Module
Physiology of organs affected by CPB SOCSM0011 Module
Project SOCSM0001 Module
Project (Stem Cells and Regeneration MSc) CSSBM2001 Module
Research dissertation SOCS30005 Module
Research Project MEDIM7100 Module
Research Project SOCSM0016 Module
Research Project in Translational Cardiovascular Medicine SOCSM0010 Module
Stem Cells in Cardiac Systems CSSBM0001 Module
Work-based assessment SOCSM0015 Module

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