Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
A Sociology of Crime and Justice SOCI30047 Module
A Sociology of Crime and Justice SOCI20073 Module
Advanced Qualitative Research SOCIM3132 Module
Advanced Quantitative Methods for Social and Policy Research POLIM0021 Module
Advanced Quantitative Research SOCIM3133 Module
Advanced Quantitative Research project SPAIM0039 Module
An Introduction to Study in the Social Sciences SPAI10007 Module
Apocalypse or Ecotopia? POLI30037 Module
Apocalypse or Ecotopia? Green Political Thought POLI20008 Module
Approaches to the study of Political Science POLI11104 Module
Art and Society SOCI30087 Module
Art and Society SOCI20087 Module
Belief in Contemporary Society SOCI30078 Module
Britain and the European Union POLI31565 Module
Capitalism, Globalisation and the BRIC economies POLIM0034 Module
Capitalist Transformation in East Asia POLIM0051 Module
Care, Labour and Gender SOCIM0004 Module
Care, Labour and Gender SPAIM0010 Module
China's International Relations SPAIM0020 Module
China's International Relations POLIM0023 Module
China-Latin America relations in an increasingly globalised world POLIM0048 Module
China’s Political Economy: Trade and Finance in China POLIM0040 Module
Cities and Societies SOCI30075 Module
Cities and Societies SOCI20061 Module
Class and Social Divisions SOCI20045 Module
Classics of Modern Cultural Theory SOCIM0009 Module
Classics of Modern Cultural Theory SPAIM0035 Module
Climate Change and International Security POLIM0004 Module
Co-operation and Integration In Europe POLI21214 Module
Comparative and International Political Economy POLI20012 Module
Comparative European Politics POLIM3026 Module
Comparative Government and Politics: An Introduction POLI11103 Module
Conceptual Issues in Security, Conflict, and Human Rights POLIM0030 Module
Conceptual Issues in Security, Conflict, and Justice SPOLM0019 Module
Conceptual Issues in Security, Conflict, and Justice POLIM0009 Module
Conceptualising the Social SOCI20016 Module
Conducting a Research Project using secondary data POLI20001 Module
Conducting a Research Project using secondary data SPAI20014 Module
Conflict, Security and Development POLIM1007 Module
Consumption, Consumer Culture and Sustainability SOCI30103 Module
Consumption, Environment and Sustainable Development SOCIM0034 Module
Consumption, Environment and Sustainable Development SOCIM0030 Module
Contemporary Chinese Foreign Policy POLI30023 Module
Contemporary Chinese Foreign Policy POLIM0033 Module
Contemporary Feminist Thought: Debates and Issues POLI30001 Module
Contemporary Identities and Inequalities SOCIM0015 Module
Contemporary International Relations SPAI20004 Module
Contemporary International Relations POLI20002 Module
Contemporary Political Theory POLI22202 Module
Contemporary Social Inequalities SOCI20039 Module
Contemporary Sociological Theory SOCIM3101 Module
Critical Security Studies POLI31384 Module
Cultural Representation SOCI20022 Module
Cultural Representation SOCI30063 Module
Cultural Representation and Difference SOCI30081 Module
Cultural Representation and Difference SOCI20081 Module
Culture, Postmodernity and Religion SOCIM2113 Module
Democracy and US Government POLI21226 Module
Democracy, Dictatorship and Post-Communism POLI31383 Module
Development in a digitalised world POLIM0044 Module
Development Skills in Practice POLIM2037 Module
Development Studies POLI21213 Module
Digital Economy and Society SOCIM0031 Module
Digital Society SOCI20077 Module
Dilemmas of a nuclear-armed world POLI30013 Module
Dilemmas of a nuclear-armed world SPAI30029 Module
Discourse Analysis: Research Methods for Politics and International Relations POLIM3024 Module
Dissertation POLI31555 Module
Dissertation SOCI30050 Module
Dissertation CEASM0015 Module
Dissertation SOCIM1000 Module
Dissertation POLIM1001 Module
Dissertation (SWDTC) POLIM0010 Module
Dissertation (SWDTC) POLIM0008 Module
Dissertation (SWDTC) SPAIM0028 Module
Dissertation (SWDTC) SPOLM0037 Module
Dissertation (with Quantitative Research Methods) (Politics) POLI30011 Module
Dissertation (with Quantitative Research Methods) (Politics) SPAI30013 Module
Dissertation (with Quantitative Research Methods) (Sociology) SOCI30065 Module
Dissertation (with Quantitative Research Methods) (Sociology) SPAI30014 Module
Doing Social Research SOCI10005 Module
East Asia and Global Development POLIM0006 Module
East Asia and Global Development SPAIM0002 Module
East Asia, Europe and Global Integration POLIM0011 Module
East Asia, Europe and Global Integration SPAIM0006 Module
East Asian Societies SOCI30067 Module
East Asian Societies SPAI30024 Module
East Asian Societies SOCI20059 Module
East Asian Societies: Alternative Modernities SOCI20076 Module
Emotions in Contemporary Society SOCI20040 Module
Emotions in Contemporary Society - 3rd year SPAI30005 Module
Emotions in Contemporary Society - 3rd year SOCI30066 Module
Empire POLI30004 Module
Environment and Society SOCI30049 Module
Environment and Society SOCI20049 Module
Environmental Politics POLIM2041 Module
Envisioning the good society: Politics, ethics, and theology POLI30010 Module
Ethnic Politics POLI30019 Module
Ethnic Politics: Approaches and Issues POLIM0036 Module
Ethnicity and Racism SOCI20017 Module
Ethnicity and Racism SOCI30055 Module
Ethnography SOCI30099 Module
Ethnography SOCIM0017 Module
Europe in Crisis: Global, Regional and Domestic Perspectives POLI30015 Module
Europe in Crisis: Global, Regional and Domestic Perspectives SPAI30021 Module
European Foreign Policy SPAIM0022 Module
European Foreign Policy POLI30014 Module
European Foreign Policy SPAI30022 Module
European Security POLIM0019 Module
European Security SPAIM0040 Module
Europeanisation POLIM3028 Module
Faith and Development POLIM0003 Module
Families and Personal Life SOCI20074 Module
Families and Personal Life SOCI30101 Module
Feminisms and International Relations POLIM3013 Module
Feminisms, Gender and International Relations POLI30021 Module
Feminist Politics SOCI30064 Module
Foreign Policy Analysis POLIM3017 Module
From Structuralism to Post-structuralism SOCIM0029 Module
Gender and Development POLIM2032 Module
Gender and Migration SOCI25002 Module
Gender and Migration SOCI30091 Module
Gender and Political Leadership POLIM0015 Module
Gender and Security POLIM0045 Module
Gender and Security POLI30032 Module
Gender, Family and Migration SOCIM0023 Module
Gender, Masculinity/ies and International Relations POLIM3016 Module
Global Bristol SPAI10008 Module
Global Civil Society POLIM0022 Module
Global Justice POLIM0005 Module
Global Justice POLI30025 Module
Global Justice POLI20010 Module
Global Society SOCI20037 Module
Global transformations: Issues and Trajectories SPAIM0015 Module
Global transformations: Issues and Trajectories POLIM0007 Module
Global Transitions: Power, Hegemony, and the Ordering of the Global Political Economy SPAIM0044 Module
Goffman, the Self and Interaction SOCI30057 Module
Goffman, the Self and Interaction SOCI20032 Module
Governing the Borderlands POLIM2044 Module
Governing Through Insecurity: Institutions and Issues in Contemporary Security Governance POLI20013 Module
How to Win a Political Argument POLI30020 Module
India: An Emerging Power POLIM0017 Module
Inside Science SOCI30096 Module
Inside Science SOCI20071 Module
Inside Science SOCIM0024 Module
International Development Organisations POLIM2048 Module
International Human Rights POLIM3030 Module
International Organisations and Global Governance SPAI20017 Module
International Organisations and Global Governance POLI20003 Module
International Political Economy POLIM3015 Module
International Security POLIM3012 Module
Interpreting Gender SOCIM3103 Module
Intimacy, Families and Personal Life SOCI30076 Module
Intimacy, Families and Personal Life SPAI20022 Module
Introducing Culture SOCI10010 Module
Introduction to International Relations SPAI10001 Module
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences SPAIM0031 Module
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences SOCIM0013 Module
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences SOCIM0011 Module
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences SPAIM0029 Module
Introduction to the Sociology of Culture SOCI10009 Module
Investigating Society (Politics) POLI20019 Module
Investigating Society (Sociology) SOCI20079 Module
Investigating the Social SPAI20021 Module
Issues in World Politics POLI10001 Module
Japan and East Asia: Socio-Economic Development SPAIM0005 Module
Japan and East Asia: Socio-Economic Development POLIM0027 Module
Justice between generations POLI30005 Module
Justice between generations SPAI30016 Module
Key Social Thinkers SOCI10006 Module
KIS Seminars 1 SPAI00001 Module
KIS Seminars 2 SPAI00002 Module
KIS Seminars 3 SPAI00003 Module
Managing and Evaluating Development POLIM2036 Module
Media / Culture / Society SOCI20038 Module
Militarisation, Militarism and War POLIM3022 Module
Mind, body, spirit? Critical approaches to contemporary belief SOCIM0022 Module
Modern British Government and Politics POLI20014 Module
Modern Slavery: Issues and Debates SOCI30097 Module
Money, Finance & Power in the Global Political Economy POLIM0050 Module
Narrating the Self SOCIM2127 Module
Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in South Asia POLI20009 Module
Nations & Nationalism SOCIM0003 Module
Nations & Nationalism SPAIM0009 Module
Nations and Nationalism SOCI30082 Module
Nations and Nationalism SOCIM0026 Module
Nations and Nationalism SOCI20082 Module
Natural Resources and Sustainability (Bath SP50227) SPAIM0043 Module
New Developments in International Relations Theory POLI20016 Programme
New Labour and After SPAI30019 Module
New Labour and After POLI30012 Module
NGO Development & Practice POLI20004 Module
Northern Ireland: a case study in ethno-national conflict and resolution POLI30034 Module
Northern Ireland: A case study in ethno-national conflict and resolution POLIM0031 Module
Northern Ireland: conflict and resolution POLI30040 Module
Nuclear (In)security SPAIM0026 Module
Pathway Unit: Supervised Individual Study POLIM1009 Module
Peacebuilding and Post-Conflict Transition in Latin America POLI30036 Module
Peacebuilding: Theory and Practice POLI31557 Module
Perspectives on Power SOCI30062 Module
Philosophy and Research Design in the Social Sciences SPAIM0030 Module
Philosophy and Research Design in the Social Sciences SOCIM0012 Module
Philosophy of Social Science SOCIM3125 Module
Political Concepts POLI11101 Module
Political Corruption POLIM0032 Module
Political Corruption POLI30022 Module
Political Protest in the US and UK POLI30008 Module
Political Violence SPAI30017 Module
Political Violence POLI30006 Module
Politics and Policy-Making in the UK POLI21222 Module
Politics of Contemporary India POLI31563 Module
Politics of Disasters POLIM0038 Module
Politics of Rebellion POLI30038 Module
Politics of South Asia POLI29003 Module
Politics of the Environment POLI31556 Module
Popular Culture and World Politics POLI31378 Module
Popular Music and Society SOCIM3135 Module
Popular Music: A Sociological History SOCI30102 Module
Popular Music: A Sociological History SOCIM0025 Module
Populism POLI30039 Module
Populism and Politics in India POLI30035 Module
Post-Modern Political Theories POLI31367 Module
Postcolonial International Relations POLIM0041 Module
Power Politics and International Relations of East Asia POLI29008 Module
Power, Politics and Food POLI30027 Module
Principles of Quantitative Social Science SOCI20069 Module
Principles of Quantitative Social Science SPAI20013 Module
Public Opinion and Democracy SOCI30072 Module
Public Opinion and Democracy SPAI20023 Module
Public Opinion and Democracy SOCIM0027 Module
Public Opinion and Democracy SPAI30008 Module
Public Opinion and Democracy SOCI20066 Module
Queering Sexuality and Gender SOCI30105 Module
Rational Choice POLI21203 Module
Rationality and Absurdity SOCIM0033 Module
Religion and Politics in the West SOCI20057 Module
Religion and Politics in the West SOCIM0006 Module
Religion and Politics in the West SOCI30074 Module
Religion, Ethnicity and Value Change SPAIM0046 Module
Religion, Ethnicity and Value Change SOCIM0010 Module
Risk, Danger and Disaster SOCI30098 Module
Russian Politics POLI20006 Module
Science, Technology and Social Values SPAI20015 Module
Science, Technology and Social Values SPAI30015 Module
Secrecy, Power, Politics POLI30033 Module
Secrecy, Power, Politics POLIM0046 Module
Secrecy, The State and Me POLI30018 Module
Security Governance POLIM1006 Module
Sexuality and Society SOCI20072 Module
Sino-US Relations in Global Politics POLIM3033 Module
Small Business Development POLIM2030 Module
Social Class in Contemporary Society SOCIM0005 Module
Social Class in Contemporary Society SPAIM0018 Module
Social Identities and Divisions SOCI10007 Module
Social Networks SOCI30100 Module
Social Networks SOCIM0020 Module
Sociological Theory and the Concept of Culture SPAIM0049 Module
Sociologies of Everyday Life SOCI30095 Module
Sociologies of Everyday Life SOCIM0016 Module
Sociologies of Everyday Life SOCI20070 Module
Sociology in a Global Context SOCI10008 Module
Sociology of Health and Illness SOCI30059 Module
Sociology of Health and Illness SOCI20035 Module
Southeast Asia: a critical crossroads POLI30029 Module
State and Non-State Violence in Latin America POLI20017 Module
States and Markets POLI31559 Module
Study Abroad (Year) SPAI20029 Module
Study Abroad A SPAI20007 Module
Study Abroad B SPAI20008 Module
Study Abroad C SPAI20009 Module
Study Abroad D SPAI20010 Module
Study Abroad E SPAI20011 Module
Study Abroad F SPAI20012 Module
Supervised Individual Study SOCIM2129 Module
Supervised Individual Study SPAIM0038 Module
The Contemporary British Parliament POLI31336 Module
The European Union: Theory and Institutions POLIM3027 Module
The Fall of Old Labour POLI31371 Module
The Feminist Politics of Food SOCI20068 Module
The Feminist Politics of Food SOCI30079 Module
The Feminist Sociology of Food SOCI30104 Module
The Global Politics of Food POLIM0039 Module
The History of Political Thought POLI29004 Module
The History of Western Political Thought POLI20007 Module
The Holocaust - History and Legacy POLI30016 Module
The Idea of Critique SOCIM0032 Module
The Middle East in International Relations Theory POLIM0037 Module
The Military in Everyday Life POLI31382 Module
The Political Economy of China POLI30009 Module
The Political Economy of China SPAI30023 Module
The Politics of (Un)sustainability POLIM0028 Module
The Politics of Brexit POLIM0043 Module
The Politics of Gender POLI31351 Module
The Politics of Genocide. Causes, Cases, Consequences POLIM3034 Module
The Politics of HIV / AIDS in Africa POLIM2042 Module
The Politics of HIV/AIDS in Africa POLI30030 Module
The Politics of Human Rights POLI20011 Module
The Politics of Human Rights POLI30026 Module
The Politics of Humanitarian Aid SPAIM0045 Module
The Politics of Insecurity SPAIM0042 Module
The Politics of Insecurity POLIM0020 Module
The Politics of Modern Vietnam POLIM0042 Module
The Politics of Post Apartheid South Africa POLI31381 Module
The Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa POLI21231 Module
The Politics of the Contemporary Labour Party POLIM0035 Module
The Politics of the Contemporary Labour Party POLI30024 Module
The Politics of the Environment POLI20018 Module
The Politics of the Global South POLI10004 Module
The Politics of War POLIM0016 Module
The sociology and politics of the Olympics SOCI30071 Module
The Sociology and Politics of the Olympics SOCI20056 Module
The Sociology of Childhood and Rights SOCI20078 Module
The Sociology of Everyday Life SPAI20019 Module
The Sociology of Everyday Life SPAI30025 Module
The Sociology of Gender SPAI20005 Module
The Sociology of Gender SOCI20042 Module
The Sociology of Gender SOCI30073 Module
The Sociology of Popular Music SOCI30048 Module
The Theory and Politics of Multiculturalism SOCIM3026 Module
Theoretical Approaches in Security Studies POLIM3036 Module
Theoretical Approaches to Security POLIM0029 Module
Theories of Capitalism and Postcapitalism SOCIM0021 Module
Theories of Development POLIM3018 Module
Theories of Ethnicity and Racism SOCIM3107 Module
Theories of International Relations POLIM3014 Module
Theories of International Relations POLI10003 Module
Theories of Violence POLIM0018 Module
Theories of Violence SPAIM0036 Module
Theory and Politics of Multiculturalism SOCI30070 Module
Theory and Politics of Multiculturalism SOCI20029 Module
Thinking Politically POLI10005 Module
Thinking Sociologically SOCI10004 Module
Transitional Justice in the Aftermath of Conflict POLIM0049 Module
Understanding Culture SOCIM0014 Module
Understanding Culture SPAIM0041 Module
Understanding Genocide POLI20005 Module
Understanding Genocide SPAI30018 Module
Understanding Genocide POLI30007 Module
Understanding Intimacy SOCIM2130 Module
Understanding Popular Culture in/and World Politics POLIM0002 Module
Understanding Risk SPAIM0024 Module
Understanding Risk SOCIM0007 Module
Understanding Social Movements SOCIM0028 Module
US Foreign Policy POLI30017 Module
US Security Policy POLIM3029 Module
Value Change, Wellbeing and Social Change SOCI30077 Module
Value Change, Wellbeing and Social Change SOCI20067 Module
Violence and Reconciliation in Eastern Africa POLI30028 Module
Visual (Global) Politics POLI30031 Module
Visual (Global) Politics POLIM0047 Module
What is a Society? SOCI20075 Module
Year Abroad (L301) SOCI25000 Module

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