Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
Addiction (EXETER ANT3086) |
SPOLM0045 |
Module |
Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Design |
GEOGM0015 |
Module |
Advanced Practice in Communication and Direct Work with Children |
SPOLM0026 |
Module |
Advanced Practice with Looked After Children: Adoption, Fostering and Kinship Care |
SPOLM0023 |
Module |
Advanced Quantitative Research project |
SPOLM0038 |
Module |
Advocacy, Radical Activism, and Social Movement |
SPOL20065 |
Module |
An International Analysis of Crime, Harm and Justice |
SPOLM1065 |
Module |
Applied Social Science and Law |
SPOLM0034 |
Module |
Assessment, Learning and Intervention |
ACHSD0002 |
Module |
Assessment, Risk and Decision-making |
SPOLM0024 |
Module |
Assessment, Risk and Decision-making |
SPOL30024 |
Module |
Changing Families and the State |
SPOL21008 |
Module |
Changing Families and the State |
SPOL31008 |
Module |
Child and Adolescent Psychology |
SPOL20032 |
Module |
Child Development, Health and Wellbeing |
SPOLM0025 |
Module |
Child Development, Health and Wellbeing |
SPOL30022 |
Module |
Child Nutrition, Activity and Health |
SPOL30034 |
Module |
Children and Social Harm |
SPOL30060 |
Module |
Children and Social Harm |
SPOL20033 |
Module |
Children and Young People in the Law A |
SPOL30057 |
Module |
Children in a Global Context |
SPOL32008 |
Module |
Children in Families and Communities |
ACHSD0004 |
Module |
Children in Society I: An introduction |
SOWK10001 |
Module |
Children in Society II: Children and Contemporary Society |
SOWK10002 |
Module |
Cities and communities in the urban age |
SPOL20038 |
Module |
Cities and communities in the urban age |
SPOL30062 |
Module |
Cities, Housing and Public Policy |
SPOLM1072 |
Module |
Citizenship and Participation |
ACHSM0002 |
Module |
Climate Emergency |
SPOL30074 |
Module |
Collective Action and Policy Change |
SPOL10040 |
Module |
Colonialism, Sexual Offences and Law in 2021/22 |
SPOL20062 |
Module |
Comparative and International Policy Studies |
SPOL10035 |
Module |
Comparative and International Social Policy |
SPOL10014 |
Module |
Comparative Political Economy and Social Policy |
SPOL20044 |
Module |
Comparative Political Economy and Social Policy |
SPOL30067 |
Module |
Comparative Social Policy in a Globalizing World |
SPOL20048 |
Module |
Comparative Social Policy in a Globalizing World |
SPOL30048 |
Module |
Concepts and Ideologies of Welfare in the Contemporary World |
SPOL10030 |
Module |
Conflict, Migration and Human Rights |
SPOL31022 |
Module |
Constructing Childhoods |
SPOL10023 |
Module |
Contemporary Debates in Global Childhood |
SPOL10024 |
Module |
Contemporary Debates in Lifestyle Behaviours and Public Health |
SPOLM0018 |
Module |
Contemporary Law and Policy for Child Welfare Services |
SPOL30025 |
Module |
Contemporary Law and Policy for Child Welfare Services |
SPOLM0020 |
Module |
Controlling Crime and Social Harm |
SPOL10021 |
Module |
Corporate Power, Corporate Crime and Corporate Harms |
SPOL20070 |
Module |
Corruption and Public Policy |
SPOLM0055 |
Module |
Criminalising Welfare |
SPOL20043 |
Module |
Criminological Theory: An Introduction |
SPOL10029 |
Module |
Criminology |
SPOL30010 |
Module |
Criminology |
SPOL21010 |
Module |
Criminology: an introduction |
SPOL10019 |
Module |
Critical appraisal for Health and Wellbeing |
SPOLM0052 |
Module |
Critical Policy Studies and the Internationalisation of Public Policy |
SPOLM0031 |
Module |
Critical Skills for Social Scientists (Criminology) |
SPOL10028 |
Module |
Critical Skills for Social Scientists: Childhood Studies |
SPOL10025 |
Module |
Critical Skills for Social Scientists: Social Policy |
SPOL10026 |
Module |
D.Soc.Sci. Dissertation |
SPOLD1006 |
Module |
Determinants of Physical Activity and Eating Behaviour |
PHEDM4014 |
Module |
Dimensions of Social and Emotional Development |
ACHSD0012 |
Module |
Disability - global dimensions |
SPOL30042 |
Module |
Disability in Society |
SPOL30075 |
Module |
Disabled Childhoods |
SPOLM0050 |
Module |
Dissertation |
SPOL30046 |
Module |
Dissertation |
PHEDM1002 |
Module |
Dissertation (Childhood Studies) |
SPOL30018 |
Module |
Dissertation (Childhood Studies) |
SPOL30033 |
Module |
Dissertation (Inclusive Theory and Practice) |
ACHSM0004 |
Module |
Dissertation (MSc in Public Policy) |
SPOLM1010 |
Module |
Dissertation (Social Policy) |
SPOL30017 |
Module |
Dissertation (SWDTC) |
LAWDM0113 |
Module |
Dissertation (SWDTC) |
SPOLM0053 |
Module |
Dissertation (with Quantitative Research Methods) (Childhood Studies) |
SPOL30031 |
Module |
Dissertation (with Quantitative Research Methods) (Criminology) |
SPOL30064 |
Module |
Dissertation (with Quantitative Research Methods) (Social Policy) |
SPOL30032 |
Module |
Dissertation / Work-Based Project |
SPOLM0027 |
Module |
Domestic Violence: Research, Policy and Activism |
SPOLD2029 |
Module |
Domestic Violence: Research, Policy and Activism |
SPOLM5010 |
Module |
Drugs and Society |
SPOL21011 |
Module |
Drugs and Society |
SPOL30011 |
Module |
Education and Society |
SPOL30028 |
Module |
Education and Society |
SPOL20020 |
Module |
Education, Schooling and Diversity |
SPOL10039 |
Module |
Education, Schooling and Diversity |
SPOL10015 |
Module |
Education, Schooling and Diversity |
SPOL20037 |
Module |
Environmental policy and social justice |
SPOLM0041 |
Module |
Evidence-Based Practice |
SPOLM5106 |
Module |
Family Support |
SOWK20002 |
Module |
Foundations of Social Work: The Professional Role |
SPOLM0032 |
Module |
Further Qualitative Methods |
SPOLM0017 |
Module |
Further Quantitative Methods |
SPOLM0016 |
Module |
Further Quantitative Methods |
SPOLD0001 |
Module |
Gender and Violence: International and Global Perspectives |
SPOLM1067 |
Module |
Gender based Violence |
SPOL30029 |
Module |
Gender Based Violence |
SPOL20021 |
Module |
Gender, Conflict, Migration and Human Rights |
SPOL30043 |
Module |
Gender, Crime, and Justice |
SPOL20035 |
Module |
Gender, Crime, and Justice |
SPOL30059 |
Module |
Global Contexts of Rights and Disability |
SPOLM0049 |
Module |
Globalisation, Crime, Harm and Justice |
SPOL20025 |
Module |
Globalisation, Crime, Harm and Justice |
SPOL30040 |
Module |
Governance and the Changing Institutional Framework |
SPOLD2027 |
Module |
Governance, Institutions and the Global Political Economy |
SPOLM1073 |
Module |
Guided Independent Study |
SPOL30041 |
Module |
Harms of the Powerful |
SPOL30047 |
Module |
Harms of the Powerful |
SPOL20034 |
Module |
Health and Health Care in a Global Context |
SPOLM1066 |
Module |
Health and Social Care Research |
SPOLD2020 |
Module |
Health Care Policies |
SPOL21018 |
Module |
Health Care Policies |
SPOL31018 |
Module |
Health Policy in a Global Context |
SPOL20055 |
Module |
Health Policy in a Global Context |
SPOL30055 |
Module |
Health Policy in a Global Context (iBSc Global Health) |
SPOL30076 |
Module |
Health Policy in a Global Context (SPS) |
SPOL20061 |
Module |
Health Policy in an International Context |
SPOL31020 |
Module |
Housing, Economy and Society |
SPOL22020 |
Module |
Housing, Economy and Society |
SPOL30020 |
Module |
Ideologies and Concepts of Welfare in the Contemporary World |
SPOL10027 |
Module |
Including Students' Voices |
ACHSM0003 |
Module |
Inclusive Research with Disabled People |
ACHSM0001 |
Module |
Independent Study |
SPOLM0012 |
Module |
Inequalities in Health, Poverty and Development |
SPOL31021 |
Module |
Inequality, Harm and Public Policy |
SPOL30061 |
Module |
Informing and Evaluating Policy - Research Methods and Analysis |
SPOLM1061 |
Module |
Insight Into Criminal Justice |
SPOL10032 |
Module |
Inter-professional Working |
SOWK30002 |
Module |
Inter-Professional Working and Integrated Services |
SPOLM0028 |
Module |
Interprofessional Working in Children's Services |
SPOL30037 |
Module |
Introduction to Child and Adolescent Health |
SPOL20060 |
Module |
Introduction to Disability Studies |
SPOL30027 |
Module |
Introduction to Disability Studies |
SPOL20018 |
Module |
Introduction to psychology for Childhood Studies |
SPOL10016 |
Module |
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences (SPS) |
SPOLM0014 |
Module |
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences (SPS) |
SPOLM0015 |
Module |
Introduction to the Social Sciences |
SPOL00001 |
Module |
Key Concepts, Theories and Ideologies in Social Policy |
SPOL10033 |
Module |
Key Thinkers in Criminology |
SPOL20036 |
Module |
Language and Literacy |
SPOL30015 |
Module |
Language and Literacy in Young Children |
SPOL30036 |
Module |
Leadership and Management in Social Work |
SPOLM0029 |
Module |
Leisure, Pleasure and Harm |
SPOL30063 |
Module |
Local Authority and School Systems |
ACHSD0008 |
Module |
Markets, Government and Public Policy |
SPOL30021 |
Module |
Markets, Government and Public Policy |
SPOL20017 |
Module |
Migration Policy in the UK and European Union |
SPOL30030 |
Module |
Migration Policy in the UK and European Union |
SPOL20030 |
Module |
Migration, Asylum and Human Rights in the European Union |
SPOLM1070 |
Module |
Migration, asylum and human rights: EU and global policy perspectives. |
SPOLM0042 |
Module |
Migration: UK, EU and Global Policy Perspectives |
SPOL20046 |
Module |
Migration: UK, EU and Global Policy Perspectives |
SPOL30069 |
Module |
Multi-Agency Working |
ACHSD0009 |
Module |
Nutrition, Disease and Public Health |
PHEDM4012 |
Module |
Paediatric Exercise and Health (EXETER SHSM014) |
SPOLM0046 |
Module |
Personal Welfare Services |
SPOL30053 |
Module |
Personal Welfare Services |
SPOL20053 |
Module |
Personalisation in Practice: Health and Social Care |
ACHSM0008 |
Module |
Perspectives on policy |
SPOLD2030 |
Module |
Philosophy and Research Design in the Social Sciences (SPS) |
SPOLM0013 |
Module |
Philosophy of Social Science |
SPOLD1001 |
Module |
Philosophy of Social Sciences 1 (Exeter SOCM002A) |
SPOLM0051 |
Module |
Physical Activity , Disease and Public Health |
PHEDM4013 |
Module |
Physical Activity and Nutrition Interventions: Conceptualisation and Design |
PHEDM4015 |
Module |
Physical Activity in the Prevention of Treatment of Chronic Diseases (EXETER SHSM022) |
SPOLM0047 |
Module |
Play and Creativity |
SPOL22021 |
Module |
Play and Creativity |
SPOL30077 |
Module |
Policy and Politics in the Developing World |
SPOL30068 |
Module |
Policy and Politics in the Developing World |
SPOL20045 |
Module |
Policy Processes and Policy Research |
SPOLM5008 |
Module |
Policy Research Dissertation |
SPOLM5100 |
Module |
Policy, Promotion and Delivery: Physical Activity and Nutrition Programmes |
PHEDM0001 |
Module |
Poverty, Inequality and Social Inclusion Research |
SPOLD2024 |
Module |
Poverty, Social Exclusion and Social Policy |
SPOL20019 |
Module |
Poverty, Social Exclusion and Social Policy |
SPOL30019 |
Module |
Power, Politics and the Policy Process |
SPOLM1060 |
Module |
Practical Research Methods |
PHEDM0003 |
Module |
Practical Research Methods |
PHEDM0002 |
Module |
Practice Learning 1 |
SPOLM5103 |
Module |
Practice Learning 2 |
SPOLM5107 |
Module |
Professional Practice |
ACHSD0011 |
Module |
Promoting Inclusion |
ACHSD0001 |
Module |
Psychological Dimensions of Interpersonal Communication |
ACHSD0010 |
Module |
Public and Social Policy in East Asia |
SPOLM0056 |
Module |
Public Management and Organisations |
SPOLM1074 |
Module |
Public policy for a complex and uncertain world |
SPOLM0043 |
Module |
Punishment in Society |
SPOL20052 |
Module |
Punishment in Society |
SPOL30052 |
Module |
Qualitative Methods: Design and Analysis |
SPOLM0076 |
Module |
Qualitative Research Methods |
SPOLD1004 |
Module |
Quantitative Research Methods |
SPOLD1002 |
Module |
Research in Social Work |
SPOLM5105 |
Module |
Research Methods |
PHEDM4011 |
Module |
Research Methods 1 |
ACHSD0005 |
Module |
Research Methods 2 |
ACHSD0006 |
Module |
Research Methods 3 |
ACHSD0007 |
Module |
Research Methods in Social Work |
SPOLM0033 |
Module |
Researching Child and Family Welfare |
SPOLM0011 |
Module |
Researching Child and Family Welfare |
SPOLD2031 |
Module |
Researching Health and Social Care |
SPOLM5004 |
Module |
Researching Poverty, Inequality and Social Exclusion |
SPOLM5011 |
Module |
Researching Public Policy |
SPOLM0074 |
Module |
Responding to Crime and Social Harm |
SPOL10031 |
Module |
Segregation and Inequality in International Perspective |
SPOL10038 |
Module |
Segregation and inequality in the UK (measurement and debate) |
SPOL10017 |
Module |
Social and Public Policy in the European Union |
SPOL30071 |
Module |
Social and Public Policy in the European Union |
SPOL20056 |
Module |
Social Care in Crisis |
SPOL30070 |
Module |
Social Care in Crisis |
SPOL20047 |
Module |
Social Policy and Development |
SPOL20050 |
Module |
Social Policy and Development |
SPOL30050 |
Module |
Social Policy and Social Change in East Asia |
SPOLM4005 |
Module |
Social Policy and the Environment |
SPOL32032 |
Module |
Social Policy and the Environment |
SPOL22032 |
Module |
Social Policy and the European Union |
SPOL30051 |
Module |
Social Policy and the European Union |
SPOL20051 |
Module |
Social Policy and The Lifecourse |
SPOL32026 |
Module |
Social Policy and The Lifecourse |
SPOL22031 |
Module |
Social Policy and the Welfare State: Historical Perspectives |
SPOL10011 |
Module |
Social Policy and the Welfare State: Key Concepts and Contemporary Ideas |
SPOL10013 |
Module |
Social Policy and the Welfare State: Key Concepts and Contemporary Issues |
SPOL10018 |
Module |
Social Policy and the Welfare State: Theoretical Perspectives |
SPOL10012 |
Module |
Social Policy in East Asia |
SPOL20049 |
Module |
Social Policy in East Asia |
SPOL30049 |
Module |
Social Policy Past and Present |
SPOL10034 |
Module |
Social Research Methods |
SOAD20004 |
Module |
Social Work Dissertation |
SPOLM0036 |
Module |
Social Work Research Dissertation |
SPOLM0039 |
Module |
Social Work Studies |
SPOLM5102 |
Module |
Social Work Studies 2 |
SPOLM0035 |
Module |
Social Work with Children and Families with Complex Needs |
SPOLM0021 |
Module |
Social Work with Children and Families with Complex Needs |
SPOL30026 |
Module |
Societal Change and the Transformation of Work |
SPOL22030 |
Module |
Societal Change and the Transformation of Work |
SPOL32025 |
Module |
Special Independent Study |
SPOLD2026 |
Module |
Special Independent Study |
SPOLD2025 |
Module |
Special Independent Study |
SPOLD0002 |
Module |
SPOL30087: Work, Employment, and Society |
SPOL30087 |
Module |
State and Society |
SPOLD2011 |
Module |
Study Abroad 1 |
SPOL22025 |
Module |
Study Abroad 2 |
SPOL22026 |
Module |
Study Abroad 3 |
SPOL22027 |
Module |
Study Abroad 4 |
SPOL22028 |
Module |
Supervised Independent Study |
SPOLM4300 |
Module |
Supervision and Assessment of Professional Practice |
SPOLM0022 |
Module |
The Core Skills of Social Research (2): Dissertation Preparation |
SPOLD1003 |
Module |
The Economics of Public Policy |
SPOLM1062 |
Module |
The Economics of Public Policy |
SPOLD2028 |
Module |
The International Analysis of Poverty and Social Exclusion |
SPOLM1068 |
Module |
The Policy and Politics of Urban Sustainability |
SPOLM5109 |
Module |
The State of Labour |
SPOLM5110 |
Module |
The State of Welfare |
SPOL20027 |
Module |
The State of Welfare |
SPOL30044 |
Module |
Theorising Social Welfare |
SPOL20059 |
Module |
Theorising Social Welfare |
SPOL20024 |
Module |
Theorising Social Welfare |
SPOL30038 |
Module |
Theorising Social Welfare 1 |
SPOL31001 |
Module |
Therapeutic Work with Children |
SPOL30035 |
Module |
Therapeutic Work With Children |
SPOL20014 |
Module |
Understanding and Challenging Social Barriers |
ACHSD0003 |
Module |
Understanding Crime, Harm and Society |
SPOL10020 |
Module |
Understanding Public Policy |
SPOL30054 |
Module |
Understanding Public Policy |
SPOL20026 |
Module |
Understanding Public Policy |
SPOL20054 |
Module |
Understanding Urban Society |
SPOL20023 |
Module |
Understanding Urban Society |
SPOL30023 |
Module |
Understanding ‘Terrorism’ |
SPOL30065 |
Module |
Unit 1, Professional Skills in Practice (Professional Practice with Children & Young People) |
SPOL33334 |
Module |
Unit 2, Child Development and Working with Children (Professional Practice with Children and Young People) |
SPOL33335 |
Module |
Unit 3, Assessment and the Legal Context (Professional Practice with Children and Young People) |
SPOL33336 |
Module |
Unit 4, Children in Need and Working with Looked After Children (Professional Practice with Children and Young People) |
SPOL33337 |
Module |
Unit 5: Practice Education |
SPOL32004 |
Module |
Unit 6: Reflective Practice in a Multi-Agency Context |
SPOL32005 |
Module |
Urban Governance and Democracy |
SPOL20028 |
Module |
Urban Governance and Democracy |
SPOL30045 |
Module |
Violence, Conflict and Forced Migration |
SPOL30066 |
Module |
Violence, Migration and Borders |
SPOL30088 |
Module |
Wellbeing & Human Development 1: Concepts, Measurement and Policy (BATH SP50230) |
SPOLM0044 |
Module |
Wellbeing: Concepts, Measures and Policy (BATH SP5023) |
SPOLM0048 |
Module |
Work and Work Placements: Childhood Studies |
SPOL20040 |
Module |
Work and Work Placements: Criminology |
SPOL20041 |
Module |
Work and Work Placements: Social Policy |
SPOL20042 |
Module |
Year Abroad |
SPOL20029 |
Module |
Youth Justice |
SPOL20022 |
Module |
Youth Justice |
SPOL32006 |
Module |
Youth Policy and Social Welfare |
SPOL22022 |
Module |
Youth, Sexualities and Gendered Violence |
SPOL22023 |
Module |