Browse School

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Addiction (EXETER ANT3086) SPOLM0045 Module
Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Design GEOGM0015 Module
Advanced Practice in Communication and Direct Work with Children SPOLM0026 Module
Advanced Practice with Looked After Children: Adoption, Fostering and Kinship Care SPOLM0023 Module
Advanced Quantitative Research project SPOLM0038 Module
Advocacy, Radical Activism, and Social Movement SPOL20065 Module
An International Analysis of Crime, Harm and Justice SPOLM1065 Module
Applied Social Science and Law SPOLM0034 Module
Assessment, Learning and Intervention ACHSD0002 Module
Assessment, Risk and Decision-making SPOLM0024 Module
Assessment, Risk and Decision-making SPOL30024 Module
Changing Families and the State SPOL21008 Module
Changing Families and the State SPOL31008 Module
Child and Adolescent Psychology SPOL20032 Module
Child Development, Health and Wellbeing SPOLM0025 Module
Child Development, Health and Wellbeing SPOL30022 Module
Child Nutrition, Activity and Health SPOL30034 Module
Children and Social Harm SPOL30060 Module
Children and Social Harm SPOL20033 Module
Children and Young People in the Law A SPOL30057 Module
Children in a Global Context SPOL32008 Module
Children in Families and Communities ACHSD0004 Module
Children in Society I: An introduction SOWK10001 Module
Children in Society II: Children and Contemporary Society SOWK10002 Module
Cities and communities in the urban age SPOL20038 Module
Cities and communities in the urban age SPOL30062 Module
Cities, Housing and Public Policy SPOLM1072 Module
Citizenship and Participation ACHSM0002 Module
Climate Emergency SPOL30074 Module
Collective Action and Policy Change SPOL10040 Module
Colonialism, Sexual Offences and Law in 2021/22 SPOL20062 Module
Comparative and International Policy Studies SPOL10035 Module
Comparative and International Social Policy SPOL10014 Module
Comparative Political Economy and Social Policy SPOL20044 Module
Comparative Political Economy and Social Policy SPOL30067 Module
Comparative Social Policy in a Globalizing World SPOL20048 Module
Comparative Social Policy in a Globalizing World SPOL30048 Module
Concepts and Ideologies of Welfare in the Contemporary World SPOL10030 Module
Conflict, Migration and Human Rights SPOL31022 Module
Constructing Childhoods SPOL10023 Module
Contemporary Debates in Global Childhood SPOL10024 Module
Contemporary Debates in Lifestyle Behaviours and Public Health SPOLM0018 Module
Contemporary Law and Policy for Child Welfare Services SPOL30025 Module
Contemporary Law and Policy for Child Welfare Services SPOLM0020 Module
Controlling Crime and Social Harm SPOL10021 Module
Corporate Power, Corporate Crime and Corporate Harms SPOL20070 Module
Corruption and Public Policy SPOLM0055 Module
Criminalising Welfare SPOL20043 Module
Criminological Theory: An Introduction SPOL10029 Module
Criminology SPOL30010 Module
Criminology SPOL21010 Module
Criminology: an introduction SPOL10019 Module
Critical appraisal for Health and Wellbeing SPOLM0052 Module
Critical Policy Studies and the Internationalisation of Public Policy SPOLM0031 Module
Critical Skills for Social Scientists (Criminology) SPOL10028 Module
Critical Skills for Social Scientists: Childhood Studies SPOL10025 Module
Critical Skills for Social Scientists: Social Policy SPOL10026 Module
D.Soc.Sci. Dissertation SPOLD1006 Module
Determinants of Physical Activity and Eating Behaviour PHEDM4014 Module
Dimensions of Social and Emotional Development ACHSD0012 Module
Disability - global dimensions SPOL30042 Module
Disability in Society SPOL30075 Module
Disabled Childhoods SPOLM0050 Module
Dissertation SPOL30046 Module
Dissertation PHEDM1002 Module
Dissertation (Childhood Studies) SPOL30018 Module
Dissertation (Childhood Studies) SPOL30033 Module
Dissertation (Inclusive Theory and Practice) ACHSM0004 Module
Dissertation (MSc in Public Policy) SPOLM1010 Module
Dissertation (Social Policy) SPOL30017 Module
Dissertation (SWDTC) LAWDM0113 Module
Dissertation (SWDTC) SPOLM0053 Module
Dissertation (with Quantitative Research Methods) (Childhood Studies) SPOL30031 Module
Dissertation (with Quantitative Research Methods) (Criminology) SPOL30064 Module
Dissertation (with Quantitative Research Methods) (Social Policy) SPOL30032 Module
Dissertation / Work-Based Project SPOLM0027 Module
Domestic Violence: Research, Policy and Activism SPOLD2029 Module
Domestic Violence: Research, Policy and Activism SPOLM5010 Module
Drugs and Society SPOL21011 Module
Drugs and Society SPOL30011 Module
Education and Society SPOL30028 Module
Education and Society SPOL20020 Module
Education, Schooling and Diversity SPOL10039 Module
Education, Schooling and Diversity SPOL10015 Module
Education, Schooling and Diversity SPOL20037 Module
Environmental policy and social justice SPOLM0041 Module
Evidence-Based Practice SPOLM5106 Module
Family Support SOWK20002 Module
Foundations of Social Work: The Professional Role SPOLM0032 Module
Further Qualitative Methods SPOLM0017 Module
Further Quantitative Methods SPOLM0016 Module
Further Quantitative Methods SPOLD0001 Module
Gender and Violence: International and Global Perspectives SPOLM1067 Module
Gender based Violence SPOL30029 Module
Gender Based Violence SPOL20021 Module
Gender, Conflict, Migration and Human Rights SPOL30043 Module
Gender, Crime, and Justice SPOL20035 Module
Gender, Crime, and Justice SPOL30059 Module
Global Contexts of Rights and Disability SPOLM0049 Module
Globalisation, Crime, Harm and Justice SPOL20025 Module
Globalisation, Crime, Harm and Justice SPOL30040 Module
Governance and the Changing Institutional Framework SPOLD2027 Module
Governance, Institutions and the Global Political Economy SPOLM1073 Module
Guided Independent Study SPOL30041 Module
Harms of the Powerful SPOL30047 Module
Harms of the Powerful SPOL20034 Module
Health and Health Care in a Global Context SPOLM1066 Module
Health and Social Care Research SPOLD2020 Module
Health Care Policies SPOL21018 Module
Health Care Policies SPOL31018 Module
Health Policy in a Global Context SPOL20055 Module
Health Policy in a Global Context SPOL30055 Module
Health Policy in a Global Context (iBSc Global Health) SPOL30076 Module
Health Policy in a Global Context (SPS) SPOL20061 Module
Health Policy in an International Context SPOL31020 Module
Housing, Economy and Society SPOL22020 Module
Housing, Economy and Society SPOL30020 Module
Ideologies and Concepts of Welfare in the Contemporary World SPOL10027 Module
Including Students' Voices ACHSM0003 Module
Inclusive Research with Disabled People ACHSM0001 Module
Independent Study SPOLM0012 Module
Inequalities in Health, Poverty and Development SPOL31021 Module
Inequality, Harm and Public Policy SPOL30061 Module
Informing and Evaluating Policy - Research Methods and Analysis SPOLM1061 Module
Insight Into Criminal Justice SPOL10032 Module
Inter-professional Working SOWK30002 Module
Inter-Professional Working and Integrated Services SPOLM0028 Module
Interprofessional Working in Children's Services SPOL30037 Module
Introduction to Child and Adolescent Health SPOL20060 Module
Introduction to Disability Studies SPOL30027 Module
Introduction to Disability Studies SPOL20018 Module
Introduction to psychology for Childhood Studies SPOL10016 Module
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences (SPS) SPOLM0014 Module
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences (SPS) SPOLM0015 Module
Introduction to the Social Sciences SPOL00001 Module
Key Concepts, Theories and Ideologies in Social Policy SPOL10033 Module
Key Thinkers in Criminology SPOL20036 Module
Language and Literacy SPOL30015 Module
Language and Literacy in Young Children SPOL30036 Module
Leadership and Management in Social Work SPOLM0029 Module
Leisure, Pleasure and Harm SPOL30063 Module
Local Authority and School Systems ACHSD0008 Module
Markets, Government and Public Policy SPOL30021 Module
Markets, Government and Public Policy SPOL20017 Module
Migration Policy in the UK and European Union SPOL30030 Module
Migration Policy in the UK and European Union SPOL20030 Module
Migration, Asylum and Human Rights in the European Union SPOLM1070 Module
Migration, asylum and human rights: EU and global policy perspectives. SPOLM0042 Module
Migration: UK, EU and Global Policy Perspectives SPOL20046 Module
Migration: UK, EU and Global Policy Perspectives SPOL30069 Module
Multi-Agency Working ACHSD0009 Module
Nutrition, Disease and Public Health PHEDM4012 Module
Paediatric Exercise and Health (EXETER SHSM014) SPOLM0046 Module
Personal Welfare Services SPOL30053 Module
Personal Welfare Services SPOL20053 Module
Personalisation in Practice: Health and Social Care ACHSM0008 Module
Perspectives on policy SPOLD2030 Module
Philosophy and Research Design in the Social Sciences (SPS) SPOLM0013 Module
Philosophy of Social Science SPOLD1001 Module
Philosophy of Social Sciences 1 (Exeter SOCM002A) SPOLM0051 Module
Physical Activity , Disease and Public Health PHEDM4013 Module
Physical Activity and Nutrition Interventions: Conceptualisation and Design PHEDM4015 Module
Physical Activity in the Prevention of Treatment of Chronic Diseases (EXETER SHSM022) SPOLM0047 Module
Play and Creativity SPOL22021 Module
Play and Creativity SPOL30077 Module
Policy and Politics in the Developing World SPOL30068 Module
Policy and Politics in the Developing World SPOL20045 Module
Policy Processes and Policy Research SPOLM5008 Module
Policy Research Dissertation SPOLM5100 Module
Policy, Promotion and Delivery: Physical Activity and Nutrition Programmes PHEDM0001 Module
Poverty, Inequality and Social Inclusion Research SPOLD2024 Module
Poverty, Social Exclusion and Social Policy SPOL20019 Module
Poverty, Social Exclusion and Social Policy SPOL30019 Module
Power, Politics and the Policy Process SPOLM1060 Module
Practical Research Methods PHEDM0003 Module
Practical Research Methods PHEDM0002 Module
Practice Learning 1 SPOLM5103 Module
Practice Learning 2 SPOLM5107 Module
Professional Practice ACHSD0011 Module
Promoting Inclusion ACHSD0001 Module
Psychological Dimensions of Interpersonal Communication ACHSD0010 Module
Public and Social Policy in East Asia SPOLM0056 Module
Public Management and Organisations SPOLM1074 Module
Public policy for a complex and uncertain world SPOLM0043 Module
Punishment in Society SPOL20052 Module
Punishment in Society SPOL30052 Module
Qualitative Methods: Design and Analysis SPOLM0076 Module
Qualitative Research Methods SPOLD1004 Module
Quantitative Research Methods SPOLD1002 Module
Research in Social Work SPOLM5105 Module
Research Methods PHEDM4011 Module
Research Methods 1 ACHSD0005 Module
Research Methods 2 ACHSD0006 Module
Research Methods 3 ACHSD0007 Module
Research Methods in Social Work SPOLM0033 Module
Researching Child and Family Welfare SPOLM0011 Module
Researching Child and Family Welfare SPOLD2031 Module
Researching Health and Social Care SPOLM5004 Module
Researching Poverty, Inequality and Social Exclusion SPOLM5011 Module
Researching Public Policy SPOLM0074 Module
Responding to Crime and Social Harm SPOL10031 Module
Segregation and Inequality in International Perspective SPOL10038 Module
Segregation and inequality in the UK (measurement and debate) SPOL10017 Module
Social and Public Policy in the European Union SPOL30071 Module
Social and Public Policy in the European Union SPOL20056 Module
Social Care in Crisis SPOL30070 Module
Social Care in Crisis SPOL20047 Module
Social Policy and Development SPOL20050 Module
Social Policy and Development SPOL30050 Module
Social Policy and Social Change in East Asia SPOLM4005 Module
Social Policy and the Environment SPOL32032 Module
Social Policy and the Environment SPOL22032 Module
Social Policy and the European Union SPOL30051 Module
Social Policy and the European Union SPOL20051 Module
Social Policy and The Lifecourse SPOL32026 Module
Social Policy and The Lifecourse SPOL22031 Module
Social Policy and the Welfare State: Historical Perspectives SPOL10011 Module
Social Policy and the Welfare State: Key Concepts and Contemporary Ideas SPOL10013 Module
Social Policy and the Welfare State: Key Concepts and Contemporary Issues SPOL10018 Module
Social Policy and the Welfare State: Theoretical Perspectives SPOL10012 Module
Social Policy in East Asia SPOL20049 Module
Social Policy in East Asia SPOL30049 Module
Social Policy Past and Present SPOL10034 Module
Social Research Methods SOAD20004 Module
Social Work Dissertation SPOLM0036 Module
Social Work Research Dissertation SPOLM0039 Module
Social Work Studies SPOLM5102 Module
Social Work Studies 2 SPOLM0035 Module
Social Work with Children and Families with Complex Needs SPOLM0021 Module
Social Work with Children and Families with Complex Needs SPOL30026 Module
Societal Change and the Transformation of Work SPOL22030 Module
Societal Change and the Transformation of Work SPOL32025 Module
Special Independent Study SPOLD2026 Module
Special Independent Study SPOLD2025 Module
Special Independent Study SPOLD0002 Module
SPOL30087: Work, Employment, and Society SPOL30087 Module
State and Society SPOLD2011 Module
Study Abroad 1 SPOL22025 Module
Study Abroad 2 SPOL22026 Module
Study Abroad 3 SPOL22027 Module
Study Abroad 4 SPOL22028 Module
Supervised Independent Study SPOLM4300 Module
Supervision and Assessment of Professional Practice SPOLM0022 Module
The Core Skills of Social Research (2): Dissertation Preparation SPOLD1003 Module
The Economics of Public Policy SPOLM1062 Module
The Economics of Public Policy SPOLD2028 Module
The International Analysis of Poverty and Social Exclusion SPOLM1068 Module
The Policy and Politics of Urban Sustainability SPOLM5109 Module
The State of Labour SPOLM5110 Module
The State of Welfare SPOL20027 Module
The State of Welfare SPOL30044 Module
Theorising Social Welfare SPOL20059 Module
Theorising Social Welfare SPOL20024 Module
Theorising Social Welfare SPOL30038 Module
Theorising Social Welfare 1 SPOL31001 Module
Therapeutic Work with Children SPOL30035 Module
Therapeutic Work With Children SPOL20014 Module
Understanding and Challenging Social Barriers ACHSD0003 Module
Understanding Crime, Harm and Society SPOL10020 Module
Understanding Public Policy SPOL30054 Module
Understanding Public Policy SPOL20026 Module
Understanding Public Policy SPOL20054 Module
Understanding Urban Society SPOL20023 Module
Understanding Urban Society SPOL30023 Module
Understanding ‘Terrorism’ SPOL30065 Module
Unit 1, Professional Skills in Practice (Professional Practice with Children & Young People) SPOL33334 Module
Unit 2, Child Development and Working with Children (Professional Practice with Children and Young People) SPOL33335 Module
Unit 3, Assessment and the Legal Context (Professional Practice with Children and Young People) SPOL33336 Module
Unit 4, Children in Need and Working with Looked After Children (Professional Practice with Children and Young People) SPOL33337 Module
Unit 5: Practice Education SPOL32004 Module
Unit 6: Reflective Practice in a Multi-Agency Context SPOL32005 Module
Urban Governance and Democracy SPOL20028 Module
Urban Governance and Democracy SPOL30045 Module
Violence, Conflict and Forced Migration SPOL30066 Module
Violence, Migration and Borders SPOL30088 Module
Wellbeing & Human Development 1: Concepts, Measurement and Policy (BATH SP50230) SPOLM0044 Module
Wellbeing: Concepts, Measures and Policy (BATH SP5023) SPOLM0048 Module
Work and Work Placements: Childhood Studies SPOL20040 Module
Work and Work Placements: Criminology SPOL20041 Module
Work and Work Placements: Social Policy SPOL20042 Module
Year Abroad SPOL20029 Module
Youth Justice SPOL20022 Module
Youth Justice SPOL32006 Module
Youth Policy and Social Welfare SPOL22022 Module
Youth, Sexualities and Gendered Violence SPOL22023 Module

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